Copernicus Climate Service (2023), European State of the Climate Report 2023.
List of Resources
E. Gallo et. al (2024), Heat-related mortality in Europe during 2023 and the role of adaptation in protecting health.
EIB (2022), The EIB Climate Survey.
EC (2023), Eurobarometer survey on climate change.
Andre et al. (2024), Globally representative evidence on the actual and perceived support for climate action.
Earth for All (2024), Earth for All Survey 2024.
European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change (2024), Towards EU climate neutrality Progress, policy gaps and opportunities.
More in Common (2024), Europe Talks Flying.
Klöwer, M., Allen, M. R., Lee, D.S., Proud, S.R., Gallagher, L. and Skowron A. (2021) Quantifying aviation’s contribution to global warming. Environmental Research Letters, Volume 16, Number 10.