Fees & Charges — FAQ

The level of fees payable by applicants for certificates and approvals issued, maintained or amended by the Agency, and of charges for publications, handling of appeals, training and any other service provided by the Agency are determined by Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2153.

EASA periodically reviews its fees & charges to align them with changes in the aviation sector and its own cost basis. The last review was undertaken in 2019 and resulted in Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2153, which entered into force on 1 January 2020. A new review is currently in progress with a target date for publication of a new fees & charges regulation in 2026.

For applications related to product certification, you may consult this Fee Calculator for Product Certification Tasks for an indication of the fees due.

This page compiles Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) concerning the Agency's system of fees & charges.

Please note that the Fees & Charges — FAQ and calculator are provided for convenience only. All information provided within is of a general nature only and is not intended to address the specific circumstances of any particular individual or entity. It may be used as guidance material but under no circumstances it may substitute, amend or otherwise affect in any way Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2153. If, at any time, there is a discrepancy, inconsistency or conflict between the information provided in Fees & Charges — FAQ and information in the above mentioned regulation, the latter shall prevail.

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A - General

A.1 - Which application form should I use?

A.2 - Do I have to pay?

A.3 - When do I have to pay?

A.4 - Who sets EASA's Fees and Charges?

A.5 - How much do I have to pay?

A.6 - What are the transition rules for Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2153?

A.8 - How much do I have to pay if I withdraw or interrupt my application or if the Agency terminates the certification task or service?

A.9 - How much do I have to pay if I apply for the re-issuance of certificates and documents?

A.10 - What reference should I include with my bank transfer?

A.11 - Why does EASA need my bank details?

A.12 - Do I have to fill in the EASA Third Party Financial Information form for subsequent applications?

A.7 - How is the inflation rate applied?

B - Fees for the Certification of Products

How are the Rotorcraft Product categories defined for the calculation of the EASA Fees and Charges?

B.1 - Which application form should I use?

B.2 - Can EASA confirm that a single application may be submitted covering several aircraft types or models if the same change is applicable to these aircraft types or models?

B.3 - In which MTOW category is the aircraft for which I want to submit an application for TC, Major Change, STC, Minor Change or for which I have to pay CAW fees as TC holder?

B.4 - Does my aircraft belong to a higher fee category because it is a High Performance?

B.5 How are the Flight Simulation Training Devices (FSTDs) and organisations charged?

B.6 How are Certification Support for Validation (CSV) and Maintenance Review Board (MRB) applications charged based on Implementing Regulation 2019/2153?

C - Fees for the Approval of Organisations

C.1 - General

C.1.1 - When does the application or surveillance fee have to be paid by the organisation?

C.1.2 - Should administrative staff be included in the calculation of the number of staff?

C.1.3 - Should the total number of staff include contracted employees, employed by the company on a one year or two year contract basis?

C.1.4 - Can I apply for a re-calculation of my fee if there is a change of rating or scope within the invoice period?

C.1.5 - Can I apply for a re-calculation of my fee if there is a change in the capacity of my organisation following, for example, a reorganisation, restructuring or redundancy programme?

C.2 - Design Organisation Approval (DOA) and Alternative Procedure for Design Organisation Approval (AP DOA)

C.2.1.1 - Which application form should I use for approval of Design Organisation services?

C.2.1.2 - How can I determine the amount of the fee applicable to my Design Organisation?

C.2.1.3 - How can I calculate the number of staff for my Design Organisation?

C.2.2 - What do I have to pay for my AP DOA application and changes to it?

C.3 - Production Organisation Approval (POA)

C.3.1 - Which application form should I use for approval of foreign Production organisation services?

C.3.2 - As of when are the new criteria (for determining the corresponding initial investigation and surveillance fees) for Production Organisation approvals applicable?

C.4 - Maintenance Organisation Approval (MOA) and Maintenance Training Organisation Approval (MTOA)

C.4.1.1 - Foreign Part-145 Organisations subject to bilateral agreements - Which application form should I use for approval of Foreign Part-145 Organisations subject to bilateral agreements?

C.4.1.2 - Foreign Part-145 Organisations subject to bilateral agreements - For which timeframe is the application fee levied?

C.4.2.1 - Foreign Part-145 Organisations not subject to bilateral agreements - Which application form should I use for application for a Foreign Part-145 organisation that is not subject to a bilateral agreement?

C.4.2.2 - Foreign Part-145 Organisations not subject to bilateral agreements - Does "the fee will be based on the number of staff related to the organisation" mean the total number of staff employed in an organisation (including non technical)?

C.4.2.3 - Foreign Part-145 Organisations not subject to bilateral agreements - If the technical ratings of an organisation contain several A ratings (A1, A2, A3, A4) and several B ratings (B1, B2, B3), will this organisation be charged the highest A rating flat fee plus the highest B rating flat fee?

C.4.3.1 - Foreign Part 147 Organisations not subject to bilateral agreements - Which application form should I use for application for a foreign Maintenance Training organisation?

C.4.3.2 - Foreign Part 147 Organisations not subject to bilateral agreements - Does "the fee will be based on the number of staff related to the organisation" mean the total number of staff employed in an organisation (including non technical)?

C.4.4 - Do I have to pay fees for each facility?

C.4.5 - Do I have to pay fees for each training course?

D - Services of the Agency

D.1 - Which tasks are considered as services?

D.2 - What is the applicable hourly rate for services charged on an hourly basis?

D.3 - When do I have to pay for Services?

E - Charging of travel costs

E.1 - Are travel costs included in Fees and Charges?

E.2 - How are travel costs charged when they arise from trips which started after 1st January 2020?

E.3 - Standard "per diem" rates for days spent on business trips by experts

E.4 - Transport costs

E.5 - Travel time

E.6 - What is the “e” - component?

E.7 - Do I have to pay travel cancellation costs?

F - Contact

F.1 - Whom can I contact for further queries?