Figures and Tables

Figure 7.1

Aviation CO2 emissions under the EU ETS in 2013-2023 and modelled impact of the revised ETS Directive for years 2024-2026, where 1 EUAA / EUA equals 1 tonne of CO2 emissions

Aviation CO<sub>2</sub> emissions under the EU ETS in 2013-2023 and modelled impact of the revised ETS Directive for years 2024-2026, where 1 EUAA / EUA equals 1 tonne of CO<sub>2</sub> emissions

Note: Data in 

 reflects the years in which the EUAAs were effectively released to the market. This applies especially for allowances attributable to years 2013, 2014 and 2015, which were all auctioned in 2015. The 2014 auctions of EUAAs relate to auctioning of EUAAs due to the postponement of 2012 auctions. Modelled data for years 2024-2026 from the updated AERO-MS model. In addition, the Swiss (CH) ETS is forecast to result in a purchase of ETS allowances by aviation sector as follows: 0.3 million in 2023; 0.4 million in 2024; 0.5 million in 2025 and 0.6 million in 2026.

Figure 7.2
EU ETS Allowance Prices (2013-2024)
EU ETS Allowance Prices (2013-2024)
Figure 7.3
ICAO Member States participation in CORSIA offsetting in various phases
ICAO Member States participation in CORSIA offsetting in various phases
Figure 7.4
International aviation CO2 emissions reported through the CORSIA Central Registry
International aviation CO<sub>2</sub> emissions reported through the CORSIA Central Registry
Figure 7.5
Estimated CORSIA offsetting requirements for departing flights from Europe during the First Phase (2024-2026)
Estimated CORSIA offsetting requirements for departing flights from Europe during the First Phase (2024-2026)
Covers departing traffic for all airlines from EEA countries and Switzerland to third countries that participate in CORSIA offsetting, except for flights to the United Kingdom, which are covered by EU and Swiss (CH) ETS.
Table 7.1
“Best in class” aircraft, which is just one element of the Taxonomy Technical Screening Criteria
“Best in class” aircraft, which is just one element of the Taxonomy Technical Screening Criteria