The engine Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) and non-volatile Particulate Matter (nvPM) standards,4 alongside the aircraft noise and CO2 standards, define the design space for products to simultaneously address noise, air quality and climate change issues.
, and highlight in red boxes the limited developments in certified aircraft engine types since the last report with the Trent 7000 performance improvement package and the new Pearl 700 and PW812 engines . As per the aircraft level environmental standard, the ICAO Independent Experts Panel NOx goals need to be updated for them to remain relevant and consideration should be given to the potential to set goals for nvPM emissions.
4 ICAO Annex 16 Volume II contains international aircraft engine emissions standards. NOx limits are defined as the mass (Dp) of NOx emitted during the Landing and Take-Off (LTO) test cycle and divided by the rated thrust of the engine (Foo), expressed in grams of NOx per kiloNewton of thrust (g/kN).