Main Areas of Collaboration

The aviation sector has a long-standing history of making use of International Cooperation through technical cooperation programmes to grow the capabilities of States in the areas of safety, security and ATM, and European entities are trusted and experienced partners in those initiatives.

During the last decade, the number of technical cooperation programmes dedicated to environmental protection has grown in line with the increasing ambitions of States to mitigate the environmental impact of aviation. European entities have been key contributors to this having collaborated with 112 Partner States and committed an estimated €20 million in civil aviation environmental protection projects since 2022. At global level, ICAO has developed technical capacity building programmes, such as ACT-CORSIA and ACT-SAF, which offer a common umbrella to the capacity building efforts in environment 

. The contribution of the European Commission to these programmes amounts to €56.5 million1, including €9.6 million in projects directly implemented by ICAO. The European States and the European industry are also contributing to these ICAO programmes.

These European projects, implemented by EASA, European States, European Industry or directly by ICAO with European funds, have supported capacity building in numerous regions covering various technical topics that are summarised in this section. Building on this, there is a commitment to continue engaging through International Cooperation initiatives to pursue sustainable aviation on a global basis.

1 Some of the projects covered environment among other activities but were not fully dedicated to environment matters.