In order to direct investments towards sustainable products and activities, the EU has introduced a classification system, or “EU Taxonomy”. This EU Taxonomy is expected to play a crucial role in scaling up sustainable investment and implementing the European Green Deal by providing companies, investors and policymakers with definitions of which economic activities can be considered as environmentally sustainable. Under the Taxonomy Regulation
, “Technical Screening Criteria (TSC)” have been developed for economic activities in various sectors. These TSC determine the conditions under which an economic activity qualifies as Taxonomy aligned and should be reviewed on a regular basis, and at least every 3 years.
On 9 December 2021, a first delegated act on sustainable activities for climate change mitigation and adaptation objectives of the EU Taxonomy (“Climate Delegated Act”) was published in the Official Journal
. It included the activity on low carbon airport infrastructure as well as on manufacture of hydrogen and hydrogen-based synthetic fuels.
The Climate Delegated Act
was amended in 2023 to include the following additional aviation-related activities: manufacturing of aircraft, leasing of aircraft, passenger and freight air transport and air transport ground handling operations.
The new TSC focus on incentivising the development and market introduction of aircraft with zero direct (tailpipe) CO2emissions, and the “best-in-class” aircraft (see
) is just one element in a wider set of TSC. In addition, and as transitional activities, the TSC also incentivise the manufacturing and uptake of the latest generation aircraft that replace older, less fuel-efficient models without contributing to fleet expansion. The latest generation aircraft are identified by referring to a certain margin to the CAEP/10 ICAO New Type Aeroplane CO
2 standard, several other requirements and ‘do no significant harm’ (DNSH) criteria, including on emissions and noise. In addition, the TSC also puts a strong emphasis on the replacement of fossil jet fuel with Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) and the technical readiness of the aircraft fleet to operate with 100% SAF.