Figure 2.1
Future warming scenarios depend on choices made now and in the near term2
Figure 2.2
Ranking of annual average sea surface temperature in 2023
Figure 2.3
Ranking of annual average surface air temperature in 2023
Figure 2.4
Latest best estimates for climate forcing terms of historic global aviation emissions from 1940 to 2018
Figure 2.5
Effect on CO2 and non-CO2 Effective Radiative Forcing (ERF) during the COVID pandemic
Figure 2.6
Formation of contrails and timescales
Figure 2.7
Overview of key climate effects on commercial air transport
Figure 2.8
Average concentration of UFP at and in the area around Paris Charles de Gaulle airport between September and December 2022 (number of UFP/cm3)
Figure 2.9
Population exposure to aircraft noise based on END and WHO noise thresholds at 50 airports in the EU plus Iceland, Norway and Switzerland
Figure 2.10
Estimated number of people suffering from various health outcomes due to long-term exposure to aircraft noise in the EU plus Iceland, Norway and Switzerland
Figure 2.11
Non-exhaustive illustration of safety-relevant use of PFAS in aircraft manufacturing