Figures and Tables

Figure 4.1
KEA horizontal en-route flight inefficiency and targets for 2014 to 2029
KEA horizontal en-route flight inefficiency and targets for 2014 to 2029
Figure 4.2
KEP horizontal en-route flight inefficiency and KES/SCR for 2014 to 2023
KEP horizontal en-route flight inefficiency and KES/SCR for 2014 to 2023
Figure 4.3
CDO vertical flight efficiency indicator for 2023
CDO vertical flight efficiency indicator for 2023
Figure 4.4
Average additional ASMA and taxi-out times for the busiest EU27+EFTA 40 airports in terms of flight movements
Average additional ASMA and taxi-out times for the busiest EU27+EFTA 40 airports in terms of flight movements
Figure 4.5
ATM related inefficiencies on the arrival flow (AMSA) at the 40 busiest EU27+EFTA airports (2019-2023)
ATM related inefficiencies on the arrival flow (AMSA) at the 40 busiest EU27+EFTA airports (2019-2023)
Figure 4.6
Total CO2 emissions by flight phase within the EUROCONTROL area during 2023
Total CO<sub>2</sub> emissions by flight phase within the EUROCONTROL area during 2023
Figure 4.7
Cumulative distribution of departure and fuel burn in 2023
Cumulative distribution of departure and fuel burn in 2023
Figure 4.8
Increased fuel consumption as a function of the distance before the optimum Top-of-Descent that the descent phase is started, without intermediate level-offs
Increased fuel consumption as a function of the distance before the optimum Top-of-Descent that the descent phase is started, without intermediate level-offs
Figure 4.9
Overview of Common Projects 1 (CP1) ATM Functionalities
Overview of Common Projects 1 (CP1) ATM Functionalities
Table 4.1
CO2 savings per Common Project 1 ATM Functionality
CO<sub>2</sub> savings per Common Project 1 ATM Functionality
Table 4.2
Benefit-Cost Ratio and CO2 savings from CP1 AF implementation
Benefit-Cost Ratio and CO<sub>2</sub> savings from CP1 AF implementation
Table 4.3
Savings in fuel and CO2 emissions per flight in 2023 and the forecast out to 2040
Savings in fuel and CO<sub>2</sub> emissions per flight in 2023 and the forecast out to 2040