ASTM F44 Main Committee Meeting on General Aviation Aircraft
On-site event
Day 1: 08/04/2024, 08:00 - 19:00 CET (UTC +2)
Day 2: 09/04/2024, 08:00 - 17:00 CET (UTC +2)
Day 3: 10/04/2024, 08:00 - 17:00 CET (UTC +2)
Day 4: 11/04/2024, 08:00 - 14:30 CET (UTC +2)
The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Committee F44 on General Aviation Aircraft will be holding a technical standards meeting from 8 to 11 April at the EASA Headquarters. The main focus of this meeting is to allow industry experts to collaborate on the development and revision of technical safety standards for General Aviation in areas such as flight, powerplants, structure, and system/equipment. In addition to the meetings, a workshop is scheduled for 8 April, where the results of the NASA X-57 Maxwell Project will be presented.
For additional information please visit the ASTM International event page.
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For queries before the event, please contact kristina.horn [at] easa.europa.eu
kristina.horn [at] easa.europa.eu