The European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS) outlines the strategic priorities for aviation safety and environmental protection, the primary safety risks and other issues affecting the European aviation safety system, and the necessary measures to mitigate them. Designed as the Regional Aviation Safety Plan for EASA Member States, the EPAS reinforces safety management at regional, State, and industry levels. The release of the 2025 edition underscores EASA's unwavering commitment to advancing aviation safety in Europe.
Based on the ‘Strategic Priorities’ (Volume I) for the reference period 2023 – 2025 (which have been reviewed and confirmed valid), the 2025 edition of EPAS contains updated ‘EPAS Actions’ (Volume II) and updated ‘Safety Risk Portfolios’ (Volume III).
EPAS Volume III ‘Safety Risk Portfolios’ provides the updated overview of the safety issues affecting the European aviation system. They were reviewed and reassessed through the annual Safety Risk Management cycle in collaboration with safety partners from national aviation authorities and the industry. There are altogether 211 safety issues in the 2025 edition, with identified 20 higher-risk safety issues, containing 8 new safety issues, ordered by their risk classification.
Volume II ‘EPAS Actions’ presents the updated plan of the ongoing and new tasks. Following completion of 15 actions in 2024, it contains 150 actions, 6 of which are new. The plan includes updated rulemaking timelines resulting from the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) review of the entirety of the rulemaking programme aimed at enhancing the focus on safety priorities and adjusting the planning to the existing resources. Following a consultation with the Advisory Bodies, EASA maintained the number of the ongoing rulemaking tasks in this year’s edition. The planning of these actions delivers on the strategic priorities for the reference period 2023-2025, however it sets the plan for 2025 and beyond.
Noteworthy updates of Volume II ‘Actions’
Introduction of new tasks:
- to update the regulatory framework for the protection of aerodrome surroundings;
- to introduce noise requirements for VTOL capable aircraft;
- to include the design requirement for a continued integrity verification programme in the certification specification for helicopters;
- to further build up the repository of civil-aviation-related information;
- to further enhance the use of airspace requirements;
- to further establish the framework ensuring information security; and
- to support the implementation of the upcoming Ground Handling Regulation.
EASA will review the strategic priorities in the course of this year (2025) regarding the next EPAS Volume I ‘Strategic Priorities’ reference period 2026-2028 to update the next (2026) edition of EPAS Volume II.