Lithium batteries (Non-rechargeable)

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I plan to install a non-rechargeable Lithium battery (NRLB) with capacity under 2 Wh. How should I classify my project?

I plan to relocate an equipment powered by a non-rechargeable lithium battery (NRLB) but the pre-mod configuration was designed by another design organization. Under which conditions am I allowed to classify the design change as minor?

What is the intent of Note 2 included in the non-rechargeable Lithium batteries (NRLBs) Special Condition’s published the 7th of April 2021 in EASA website?

When a non-rechargeable lithium battery (NRLB) project is classified as major, how is EASA going to establish the level of involvement (LOI) in the certification project?

If I have a non-rechargeable lithium battery (NRLB) specific case not fitting to the 4 cases where a direct minor classification is allowed, and I consider that severity of a thermal runaway failure can be considered less than hazardous, can I ask to EASA to re-classify one specific project?

Does EASA consider the installation of an equipment powered by a non-rechargeable lithium battery (NRLB) with an ETSO authorization compliant with the special conditions without further evaluation?

How should I classify a change when my non-rechargeable lithium batteries (NRLBs) installation does not fit any of the 4 cases applicable as minor change under DOA privileges?

Which are the 4 cases involving non-rechargeable lithium batteries (NRLBs) agreed by EASA to be classified as minor change under DOA privileges?

Is the previous approach for minor/major classification presented in STC workshop 2019 still valid for non-rechargeable lithium batteries (NRLBs)?

What is the EASA approach for non-rechargeable lithium batteries (NRLB) installation on aircraft types other than CS-25?

Has EASA released Special Conditions on non-rechargeable lithium batteries (NRLBs) installation for all CS-25 aircraft types?

Is there a flowchart helping on the minor/major classification of projects involving non-rechargeable lithium batteries (NRLB)?

What is EASA’s plan on non-rechargeable lithium batteries (NRLB) regarding qualification and means of compliance (MoC) with the NRLB Special Conditions?