Aircraft Operations

The use of Performance Based Navigation (PBN) enables an optimum aircraft flight path trajectory to mitigate environmental impacts, particularly in the vicinity of airports, without having to overfly ground-based navigation aids. Implementation of the PBN Regulation 

 has shown a positive trend since the last report. As of July 2024, 75% of instrument runways are now fully compliant with the requirements and the implementation of PBN has respectively started for 81% Standard Instrument Departures (SIDs) and 82% Standard Terminal Approach Routes (STARs) at these runways. Completion is due by 2030.

The implementation of the PBN Regulation is expected to result in a number of environmental benefits, although neither their evaluation nor their quantification is mandated. As such, it has proven challenging to identify relevant data for this report. Stakeholders responsible for putting in place the required PBN routes and procedures are encouraged to optimise airspace design and the potential environmental benefits, in particular for flight efficiency and route placement flexibility.

Building on the previous ALBATROSS research project 

, the goal of the SESAR project HERON launched in 2023 is to reduce the environmental impact from aviation through the deployment of already-mature solutions that range from more efficient aircraft operations to optimised management of air traffic during flights 
. This includes the Green Apron Management demonstration, which uses sensors and artificial intelligence for more predictable and efficient aircraft handling during airport stopovers.

plane with eagle over it

NADPs aim to reduce the noise impact of departing aircraft by selecting the appropriate moment to clean the aircraft (i.e. retract flaps), which has an impact on the flown vertical profile. NADP1 results in noise reductions close to the airport, while NADP2 reduces noise further away and has lower fuel consumption (

). Depending on the operational context (aircraft type, take-off weight, weather, etc) and on the location of the noise sensitive areas, the best balance between noise and emission reductions needs to be determined.

A study performed by EUROCONTROL highlighted that in many cases a fixed NADP procedure for all aircraft types and runways is advised or mandated by the airport authorities, but that this is not always the optimal solutionς to balance noise and emission reductions. Noise sensitive areas vary from airport to airport, and from departure runway to runway. As such, airports should identify key noise sensitive areas in each Standard Instrument Departure procedure. By taking the local operational context into consideration and allowing the flight crew to determine the best NADP, additional noise or emission reductions could be achieved.

The study concluded that in some cases where NADP1 procedures are applied, using NADP2 procedures could reduce fuel burn by 50 kg to 200 kg while only marginally increasing noise by 1 dB close to the airport.



plane being towed in airport

Trials linked to sustainable taxiing are ongoing at various airports (e.g. Amsterdam Schiphol, Eindhoven, Paris Charles-de-Gaulle and Brussels) through various SESAR research projects as well as national projects. To incentivise implementation and to synchronize developments, a EUROCONTROL / ACI-EUROPE Sustainable Taxiing Taskforce developed a Concept of Operations in 2024 

. The Concept of Operations (CONOPS) addresses the potential fuel burn reductions of several sustainable taxiing solutions, which could be up to 400 kg CO2 from a single aisle aircraft taxi-out phase. In addition, there are noise and air quality benefits as the aircraft engine start-up and shutdown procedures occur away from the gate area.

These benefits are mainly the result of operational improvements, such as single engine taxing, combining engine start-up while taxiing, or combining pushback and taxi clearances by air traffic control, thereby reducing total taxi and engine running times that still take into consideration engine thermal stabilization and some additional complexity in ground operations. Research is also looking into limiting Auxiliary Power Units (APU) use to outside temperatures above a certain threshold. On-going trials are expected to further clarify how to integrate the different taxi operational solutions and quantify their benefits by end of 2025.