New intelligence solutions exploiting big data technologies and data science


The European Commission published the amended Horizon Europe Work Programme 2023-24 on 31 March 2023. The overall driver of Cluster 5 – “Climate, Energy and Mobility” is to accelerate the green and digital transition, and the associated transformation of the economy, industry and society to achieve climate neutrality in Europe by 2050. 

This cluster contains seven research actions, which have been delegated to EASA as contracting authority. This project addresses the following action: New intelligence solutions exploiting big data technologies and data science.

Outcome and output

The outcome below describes the expected and targeted benefit and impact the project will generate after successful completion. The output below describes the intended project results needed to achieve the expected/targeted outcome. 

Expected outcome

Framework for new intelligence solutions based on big data technologies and data science made available to a larger community of aviation actors and stakeholders, in view of 

  1.  a generalised use in aviation safety risk management; 
  2. their application to other aviation domains such as security, cyber-security, environmental protection, operational efficiency, and training; and 
  3. their potential application to other transport modes and sectors.

Use by Aviation authorities of common reference data and solutions.

Required output

Provision of a mature reference platform for exploitation of big data technologies and data science solutions by aviation stakeholders.

Maturation and validation of a series of new intelligence solutions, methods and/or tools.

Enhancement and augmentation of the intelligence solutions at the disposal of EASA, the EU Member States and the European aviation sector to fulfil their respective missions and duties in the field of Aviation safety risk management, security, cyber-security, environmental protection, operational efficiency, and training.

Extension of the ‘Data4Safety’ platform to other domains and use by a larger community of users.

Tentative Timelines: The project will be implemented via an existing Framework Contract. No publication of a call for tender is foreseen. 

The execution of the project is planned for 22 months, from Q4/2024 – Q4/2026. It will be performed by an external partner (EASA contractor) and coordinated by EASA.

Important notice:
The conclusion of the aforementioned Contribution Agreement is a prerequisite for the signing of any specific contract.