How does EASA deal with STCs on Reims-built Cessna models?

How does EASA deal with STCs on Reims-built Cessna models?


STCs approved on US-built Cessnas and their applicability to Reims-Cessna models.

Reims-Cessna was a French company that manufactured US-designed Cessna aircraft under licence. These included the F150, F152, F172, F177, F182, F337, F406 and their variants. These aircraft were identical to the US-built aircraft but the French aircraft were given DGAC Type Certificates. For this reason, FAA STCs approved for US-built Cessna models do not formally apply to Reims-Cessna models; this also applies to validated STCs. However, because the Reims-Cessna aircraft are identical to the US-built aircraft, and because there is no technical investigation necessary to extend the applicability of STCs to the French-built aircraft, EASA can extend the grandfathered approval to Reims-built aircraft but the approval has to be legally recorded. The mechanism that is used is the minor change, even if the modification would normally be classified as STC (ie, a major change). The applicant should apply on an EASA Form 32 referring to the FAA STC and its EASA grandfathered approval in the application.

Note that all Reims-Cessna models are now covered under FAA Type Certificates, with the exception of the FTB337G and GA which are covered by EASA SAS and the F406, which is still the responsibility of Reims Aviation Industries (RAI).

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