The European Union Aviation Safety Agency has published 4 latest Amendments of the Easy Access Rules for Small Rotorcraft (CS-27) – Amendments 7, 8, 9 and 10.
This Revision from February 2023 incorporates the Amendments 7, 8, 9 and 10 covering the CSs and AMC for the following topics in addition to the Regular update of CS-29:
- Aircraft cyber security (Amendment 7)
- Installation and maintenance of recorders and human factors in rotorcraft design (Amendment 8)
- Rotorcraft chip detection systems and rotorcraft occupant safety in the event of a bird strike (Amendment 9)
- Enhancement of the safety assessment processes for rotorcraft designs (Amendment 10)
The Amendments 9 and 10 are also available as the dynamic online publication with filters for obtaining the regulatory material tailored to one’s needs, search functions for quickly accessing the relevant sections, and easy navigation for computers, tablets, and mobiles as well as the XML (machine-readable format).
This material is generated through the eRules platform and will be updated regularly to incorporate further changes and evolutions to its content.
Please send your feedback and comments by using the Easy Access Rules area on the contact us form.