COLOGNE, January 7, 2021 – The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) published guidelines in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic for Aero-Medical Centres (AeMCs) and Aeromedical Examiners (AMEs) performing aero-medical examinations and assessments in order to ensure flight safety.
With a particular focus on the aircrew and Air Traffic Controller (ATCO) applicants which are or have been COVID-19 positive, the guidelines, assist the European aviation national competent authorities (NCAs) as well as their AeMCs and AMEs and, where applicable, the occupational health medical practitioners (OHMPs) and general medical practitioners (GMPs) acting as AMEs, with the aero-medical examination and assessment of applicants for an initial, revalidation or renewal of a medical certificate.
The medical assessors of the national competent authorities (NCAs) are encouraged to give proper consideration to the recommendations in these guidelines when performing assessment of applicants following referrals, requests for secondary review, change of a competent authority or consultations, and when reviewing medical files for the purpose of continuous oversight of AMEs.
For more information, please see the guidelines.