We have extended the deadline to apply for the following vacancy notices. Go to the Careers page of the EASA website to find more information:
Reference: EASA/AD/2022/008
Title / Grade: Propulsion PCM /Powerplant Expert (AD7)
Organisational Directorate: Certification Directorate
Closing Date: 15/09/2022 at 23:55
Reference: EASA/AD/2022/009
Title / Grade: New Propulsion Technologies Certification Expert (in the areas of EHPS and Hydrogen) (AD5)
Organisational Directorate: Certification Directorate
Closing Date: 30/09/2022 at 23:55
Reference: EASA/AD/2022/010
Title / Grade: Flight Controls and Hydromechanical Systems Expert (AD7)
Organisational Directorate: Certification Directorate
Closing Date: 15/09/2022 at 23:55
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