Date & time
30/01/2020, 10:00 - 31/01/2020, 16:00
The development of a safe and growing aviation business, whilst reassuring the airline workers and the travelling public that it is safe to fly, is a major mission of both EU and national aviation policies. Achieving such overarching goals call for policy-makers to balance complex and often conflicting demands linked with aspects such as air transport performance, safety, security, cost-efficiency and competitiveness, environmental factors, etc.
Cabin air quality is the subject of divergent opinions and for that reason its assessment has been included in the European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (Horizon 2020). The results obtained so far allow for a better understanding of possible cabin air pollutants but do not enable to conclude on the ever evolving questions regarding potential health effects. As a consequence and on the basis of the experience gained with this projects, the definition of appropriate measurement methods onboard aircraft as well as further investigation of the causal relationship between health symptoms and cabin air contamination should be the main objectives of the next studies and research programmes in this domain.
In cooperation with the European Commission DG MOVE; EASA is organising a two-day event in Cologne in order to listen to scientists opinions on further research activities in the context of Cabin Air contamination events. The outcomes of the workshop will help to steer the direction of future research projects.
The Workshop aims to gather representatives of the Scientific Community and Aviation Stakeholders such as:
Accident investigators - Aeromedical associations - Aircraft manufacturers - Airline associations - Airline worker associations - Engine manufacturers - Industry association - Occupational health bodies - Regulatory authorities - Scientists from Research Centres and Academia
NOTE: Registration is closed.