Stand Number: Hall A5, A5-300
Meet us at AERO!
A new vision and continued commitment for GA: The GA Roadmap 2.0!
EASA and the European GA community are relentlessly working at making General Aviation regulation simpler, better, accessible and more straightforward. Many waypoints of this action plan - the EASA GA Roadmap - have been achieved and presented at AERO in the past years. EASA's Annual Safety Conference on General Aviation which took place last November in Vienna concluded all these successes and set the path for the EASA GA Roadmap 2.0 - underlining EASA's continued commitment towards GA while embracing innovation!
To learn more about all this, come and visit us at our EASA stand at AERO in Friedrichshafen, where you will find us in Hall A5 at stand A5-300, and also join us at our meetings and events! You will meet EASA and NAA experts ready to answer your questions.
Check out EASA events at AERO
Wednesday, 10 April 2019
- EASA workshop on FCL sailplanes & balloons 14:00 pm - 15:30 pm, Room London
In Feb 2019, EASA published its proposed rules for Flight Crew Licensing for balloons and sailplanes. During this workshop, those who were involved in the drafting of the rules will provide first-hand information, with ensuing Q&A.
- EASA Networking at AERO 17:30 pm - 19:00 pm, Stand A5-300
Join EASA for an informal gathering with finger food and drinks. Come and chat with our General Aviation experts, find out more about the human face of the European Regulator and share your thoughts on safety with us.
Thursday, 11 April 2019 EASA GA Roadmap Lunchtime Update
- EASA GA Roadmap Lunchtime Update 12:00 am to 14:00 pm, Room Berlin
Visit EASA's main event at AERO involving media and all General Aviation stakeholders. Learn about the achievements of the General Aviation Roadmap so far, and about all the exciting activities ahead during the next phase - the GA Roadmap 2.0. This is a truly interesting event and there's something in it for everybody! Refreshments & finger food will be available. If you wish to participate at the GA Roadmap lunchtime update, please confirm your participation via email to events@easa.europa.eu.
Friday, 12 April 2019
- EASA Workshop on Part-21 Light 10:00 am to 12:00 am, Room Berlin
We will host our first workshop on Part-21 Light that provides a new design and production process for light aircraft. It is a revolution in the way we regulate, do not miss this important update.
- EASA Safety Promotion Mini-Conference 14:00 pm - 15:30 pm, Room Rome
EASA and AOPA will showcase their Safety Promotion efforts and how the whole General Aviation Community can get involved in Safety Together! This new, collaborative approach aims to provide lots of useful information to help improve safety. Of course, Sunny Swift will play a key role and make sure to register for the EASA GA Community Site.
GA Safety Award
As part of its on-going commitment to GA, EASA has launched the EASA GA Safety Award – a contest for awarding the most safety-beneficial smartphone/tablet application for use by GA pilots. The GA Safety Award aims to promote development of reliable tools to improve safety, encourage investment in this area, support and enhance visibility of valuable products, and further enhance the GA community’s engagement to safety. The App must address one or more of the four major safety concerns identified in the European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS): Staying in control, managing the flight, Preventing mid-air collisions and coping with weather. The prizes for the award are:
- 1st Prize: 8,000 €
- 2nd Prize: 5,000 €
- 3rd Prize: 2,000 €