FAQ n.136360

When I buy a drone to be operated in the open category or in standard scenario (STS) in the specific category, what should I do?


The operator is responsible for obtaining a reasonable confidence that the drone he/she is acquiring complies with requirements applicable to its C class 1 - 6 (ref: Annex of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/945). 

In particular, the operator needs to ensure that:

  • buying directly from outside the EU should be avoided as the UAS may not be intended for the EU market and may not comply with EU legislation.
  • the drone bears the appropriate class label from 1 to 6 and it comes with a declaration of conformity showing compliance with the Drone Regulation (EU) 2019/945.
  • when buying a second hand UAS, obtain reasonable confidence that the UAS has not been damaged or modified in a way that affect its initial compliance with the Drone Regulation (EU) 2019/945.
  • the initial compliance of the UAS to the requirements of its C Class is maintained throughout its lifetime, in particular, that the UAS is not damaged or modified in a way that could affect it.
Last updated

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