EASA IPA 4 – Programme on aviation safety in the Western Balkans and Turkey

Through this follow-up project, EASA continues to support the partner countries’ integration into the EU system, by fulfilling their international obligations in the area of air safety and by fostering their knowledge of the EU’s aviation safety system.

The project is funded by the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA), with which the EU supports reforms in ‘enlargement countries’ through financial and technical help. The project is a clear continuation of the preceding related projects, with main focus on on-site support in the areas of Safety Management.

Latest developments by Work Package (WP)

  • WP0: Project Management / Steering
    • 29 November 2018: First Project Steering Committee - more info
  • WP1: Safety Management System
  • WP2: Safety Analysis and Occurrence Reporting
    • 18-21 March 2019: On-site support activity to the Civil Aviation Authority of Kosovo* - more info
    • 26-28 February 2019: On-site support activity to the Civil Aviation Directorate of the Republic of Serbia – more info
    • 20-22 November 2018: On-site support activity to the Ministry of Communications and Transport, Directorate of Civil Aviation of Bosnia and Herzegovina – more info
    • 1-4 October 2018: On-site support activity to the Civil Aviation Authority of Albania - more info
    • 5-8 June 2018: On-site support activity to the Civil Aviation Agency of Montenegro – more info
    • 15-17 May 2018: On-site support activity to the Civil Aviation Agency of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia - more info
  • WP3: Competence Development
    • 15-17 October 2019: OJT for Kosovo on safety analysis and occurrence reporting – more info
    • 1-3 October 2019: SMS Training – more info
    • 24-26 September 2019: OJT for Serbia on safety analysis and occurrence reporting – more info
    • 25-27 June 2019: On-the-job training (OJT) for the Bosnia and Herzegovina Directorate of Civil Aviation – more info
    • 27-29 May 2019: On-the-job training for the Civil Aviation Agency of Albania – more info
    • 25-29 March 2019: Support to the CAA of Kosovo* on self-assessment based on ICAO protocol questions – more info
    • 5-7 December 2018: On-the-job training for the CAA of FYROM on safety analysis and occurrence reporting  – more info
    • 9-11 October 2018: On-the-job training for the CAA of Montenegro on safety analysis and occurrence reporting – more info

Main objectives and activities

The project’s actions are structured around three areas which are key for a well-functioning and sustainable civil aviation system: Safety Management System, Safety Analysis and Occurrence Reporting and Competence Development.  


This project will continue to support the development of a comprehensive safety management framework. Examples of enforcement processes and procedures implemented in the European Union will be introduced. As deemed appropriate, further appropriate courses on Safety Management implementation and enforcement, including awareness raising to ensure proper implementation of the above activities, may be conducted.


Safety data is an important resource for the detection of potential safety hazards, as experience has shown that accidents are often preceded by safety-related incidents and deficiencies. In addition, whilst the ability to learn from an accident is crucial, purely reactive systems should be complemented by proactive systems, which use other types of safety data. The project will therefore support the partner countries in strengthening their mechanisms for the collection, exchange and analysis of safety data in line with EU and international best practices, to make effective improvements in aviation safety.


Knowledge increase:

The main focus is the competence development of the civil aviation administration staff in the different technical aviation areas. This is achieved through various methodologies, including training sessions, workshops, focus groups, transfer of best practice, and discussion fora.

Knowledge transfer:

For non-EASA European countries, EASA has created the Pan-European Partners platform (EASA-PANEP) which fosters the cooperation in safety related matters. This platform has been proven useful in terms of exchange of best practices in the implementation of EASA rules and will continue in the EASA-IPA 4 project.