Airspace of Sudan

CZIB number
Issue date
Revision date
Revision description

31/01/2025 - The CZIB validity was extended until 31 July 2025. No changes to the content. 


Referenced publication(s):

Aeronautical Publications issued by or on behalf of Sudan and by the Aviation Authorities of the neighbouring States and by the State of Operator.

Affected Airspace

All altitudes / flight levels of the FIR KHARTOUM (HSSS) over the territory of Sudan.

Applies to operators
Applicability Description

Air operators:
- subject to the provisions of Commission Regulation (EU) 965/2012, planning to conduct operations in the affected airspace (EASA operators).
- third Country Operators authorised by EASA, when conducting operations under their TCO authorisation to, from and within the EU (TCO operators).


This CZIB is issued based on information currently available to EU Member States and EU institutions. 
Due to the current volatile situation in Sudan caused by on-going  armed clashes between the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and the opposition Rapid Support Forces (RSF), there is a continued possible threat to civil aviation.
The primary threat to civil aviation stems from military operations with the availability for use in the conflict of air assets, anti-aircraft artillery (AAA) systems, MANPADS and SAM systems. Aircraft on the ground are also at risk given military operations affecting airports. Based on the existing security situation, there is continuous risk to aviation due to potential misidentification, miscalculation or collateral damage by the parties engaged, when using anti-aircraft weaponry.
The presence and possible use of a wide range of weapon systems poses a HIGH risk for civil flights operating at all altitudes and flight levels.


In view of the existing risk posed by military activities with the use of air assets and air-defence capabilities of the parties engaged in the conflict, EASA recommends not to fly within the airspace over Sudan at all altitudes and flight levels. 
Air operators should closely monitor airspace developments in the region and follow all available aeronautical publications concerning the region issued by or on behalf of Sudan and by the Aviation Authorities of the neighbouring States, including information shared through the European Information Sharing and Cooperation Platform on Conflict Zones, alongside available guidance or direction from their national authorities. 

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