Airspace of Ukraine

CZIB number
Issue date
Revision date
Revision description

Revision No 11 dated 9 January 2025. Extension of the expiry date to 31 July 2025. References to the Russian Federation removed. 

Valid until

Until 31/07/2025, unless reviewed earlier.

Referenced publication(s):

  • Aeronautical Publications issued by the affected Countries and by the Aviation Authorities of the State of Operator.
  • EASA Safety Directives SD-2021-02 and SD-2021-03 on the airspace of Belarus.
Affected Airspace

All altitudes / flight levels of the following Flight Information Regions: FIR LVIV (UKLV), FIR KYIV (UKBV), UIR KYIV (UKBU), FIR DNIPROPETROVSK (UKDV), FIR SIMFEROPOL (UKFV), FIR ODESA (UKOV).


Applies to operators
EUROCONTROL Network Manager
Applicability Description

1. Air operators:
- subject to the provisions of Commission Regulation (EU) 965/2012, planning to conduct operations in the affected airspace (EASA operators).
- third Country Operators authorised by EASA, when conducting operations under their TCO authorisation to, from and within the EU (TCO operators).

2. EUROCONTROL Network Manager


Note: This Conflict Zones Information Bulletin (CZIB) is issued by EASA, acting in accordance with Art. 88 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1139, to address an urgent safety problem.

This CZIB is issued on the basis of information currently available to EU Member States and EU institutions. 

In the light of the latest developments, in particular:

  • on-going military activities in the territory of Ukraine; and
  • the NOTAM A0009/24 issued by Ukraine stating that FIR LVIV (UKLV), FIR KYIV (UKBV), FIR DNIPROPETROVSK (UKDV), FIR SIMFEROPOL (UKFV), FIR ODESA (UKOV) are closed for civil aviation flights;

air operators are reminded that the affected airspace defined above is an active conflict zone.  

Under these circumstances, the aforementioned airspace and critical infrastructure, including airports, are exposed to military activities which result in safety risks for civil aircraft. In particular, there is a risk of both intentional targeting and misidentification of civil aircraft. 

The presence and possible use of a wide range of ground and airborne warfare systems poses a high risk for civil flights operating at all altitudes and flight levels.


Operators should not operate within the aforementioned airspace, including landing and departures from airports located in the affected airspace. 

Operators are reminded that operations within FIR MINSK (UMMV) are prohibited in accordance with EASA Safety Directives SD-2021-02 and SD-2021-03.

The Network Manager will publish the warning information on the Network Manager NOP Portal (public version) informing all Aircraft Operators about the Warning and direct them to the Network Manager NOP Portal (password protected version). In case a State or EASA, as competent authority, has implemented measures prohibiting the operators under its responsibility to use the affected airspace, the Network Manager should reject the FPLs where operations in that airspace are planned. 

EASA will continue to closely monitor the situation, with a view to assess whether there is an increase or decrease of the risk due to the evolution of the threat and risk situation.

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