ToR RMT.0753 Issue 1

Regular update of Regulations (EU) 2023/203 and 2022/1645 and associated AMC & GM

This task concerns the maintenance of Regulations (EU) 2023/203 and 2022/1645 (Part-IS) on the management of information security risks in aviation safety.

The objective of this rulemaking task is to propose an update of said Regulations (Part-IS) and the associated Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM) to ensure the safety, efficiency, and proportionality of said regulatory framework for Part-IS and that new domains, operational feedback, and evolving industry standards are considered.

To this end, this rulemaking task is planned to address miscellaneous non-controversial topics and identified issues to ensure that these Regulations, and the associated AMC and GM remain fit for purpose by providing the needed level of guidance, cost-effective and can be implemented by the affected stakeholders. In this context, this RMT may also implement changes identified as being necessary to address lessons learnt from its implementation, including in respect to regulatory simplification.