ToR RMT.0196

Update of flight simulation training devices requirements

The main purpose of this task is to incorporate in the European Union (EU) regulatory framework elements from the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Doc 9625 regarding the use of flight simulation training devices (FSTDs) in flight training. The task will also address three safety recommendations (SRs) and is aimed at including results and findings from the loss of control avoidance and recovery training (LOCART) and RMT.0581 working group results. Furthermore, harmonisation with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) should be considered. 

The current issue of the ToR marks the start of Subtask 3. Subtask 1 has already been concluded and Subtask 2 started in 2019. The full scope of the work is summarised below.

Subtask 1: 

The main objective of Work Package 1 (WP1) is to increase the fidelity of FSTDs by amending the CS-FSTD provisions to support the training up to the stall, as well as the new upset prevention and recovery training (UPRT) requirements as introduced in the EU regulatory framework through Regulation (EU) 2018/1974. 

Subtask 2: 

The main objective of Work Package 2 (WP2) is to review the technical requirements for training devices:

  • to reflect their actual capability and technology advancement in support of introducing the ‘task to tool’ concept for aeroplanes and helicopters
  • and to enable special conditions for other categories of aircraft. 

Some activities initially foreseen for WP3 are now part of WP2. In particular, under the name ‘FCS training and simulation group’ (FCSTS) the aim is to incorporate new EASA Certification Specifications CS-FSTD (A) and (H) into one single document. 

Subtask 3: 

The main objective of Work Package (WP3) is to enhance the crediting of training for flight crew using training systems. Finally, it is aimed at developing more proportionate requirements for FSTD operators that operate only flight navigation and procedures trainers (FNPTs) and other simulation training tools, and at reviewing the initial qualification process of these FNPTs to transfer the responsibility to the training device manufacturer. 

Additionally, it is intended to develop appropriate standards for new technologies, such as off-board instructor operating station (IOS) and secondary motion systems, also considering any special conditions developed in parallel to the rulemaking activity.