The Easy Access Rules for Third Country Operators (EAR for TCO) contain the technical requirements and administrative procedures related to air operations of third country operators (TCO). They cover all annexes of Commission Regulation (EU) No 452/2014, i.e. Annex 1 (Part-TCO) and Annex 2 (Part-ART) thereto, the related acceptable means of compliance (AMC) and guidance material (GM), as well as the Management Board (MB) Decision on the ‘TCO Authorisation Procedure’. This Revision from April 2023 includes the following rules:
- Commission Regulation (EU) No 452/2014;
- Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/1158;
- Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2023/659;
- ED Decision 2014/023/R;
- ED Decision 2023/006/R; and
- MB Decision No 01-2023.
The EAR for TCO are available for free download on the EASA website:
- as pdf in an easy-to-read format with advanced navigation features through links and bookmarks;
- as online dynamic publications with filters and search functions for simple navigation with computers, tablets, and mobiles; and
- in xml format with machine-readable content.
As they are generated through the eRules platform, they will be updated regularly to incorporate further changes and evolutions to their content.
Please send any feedback and comments by using the Easy Access Rules area on the contact us form.