ED Decision 2023/016/R

Conformity assessment of ATM/ANS equipment | AMC & GM to the Articles of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2023/1768 — Issue 1


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These Decisions establish the detailed specification (DSs) as well as the first set of the acceptable means of compliance (AMC) and guidance material (GM) supporting the application of the conformity assessment framework for air traffic management/air navigation services systems and air traffic management/air navigation services constituents (hereafter ‘ATM/ANS equipment’).

Due to the novelty of the subject, it is important to provide the necessary means for the application of the above-mentioned framework.

This regulatory material focuses on measures considered essential during the transitional period in the short term, in particular:

  • the DSs and AMC and GM for ATM/ANS (ground) equipment (DS-GE.CER/DEC) subject to certification and declaration of design compliance;
  • the DSs for ATM/ANS equipment subject to statement of compliance (DS-GE.SoC);
  • the issue of the statement of compliance (SoC) by ATM/ANS providers and their oversight;
  • the measures for the application of the common requirements on aircraft equipment and the operating procedures related to the use of the single European sky (SES) airspace; and
  • the measures for the application of the requirements for the ATM/ANS providers when introducing changes to their functional system as regards the ATM/ANS equipment.

This regulatory material is expected to facilitate the effective modernisation of the European air traffic management network (EATMN), ensuring more streamlined conformity assessment mechanisms and increased harmonisation and interoperability of ATM/ANS equipment brought to the EU market.   
