AMC and GM to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/373
The objective of this Decision is to maintain a high level of safety in the provision of air traffic management (ATM)/air navigation services (ANS), especially air traffic services (ATS), meteorological services (MET), aeronautical information services (AIS) and flight procedure design services (FPD).
Following the amendment of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/373 (ATM/ANS Regulation) by Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/469, this Decision amends the acceptable means of compliance (AMC) and guidance material (GM) to the referenced Regulation in order to facilitate the uniform implementation of the requirements by providing suitable tools for the ATM/ANS providers and the competent authorities when performing certification and oversight in ATS, MET, AIS, FPD and design of airspace structures.
The AMC and GM have been developed and consulted concurrently with the related IRs. The related notices of proposed amendments (NPAs) went through extensive public consultations. The comments received during the consultations of the various NPAs were addressed at a number of thematic meetings with the contribution of experts who were members of the Rulemaking Groups and participated in the drafting, as well as with the contribution of individuals and organisations who were not members of the Rulemaking Groups. Following the assessment of the comments and reactions, EASA published the related Opinions Nos 02/2018 and 03/2018, accompanied by the proposed draft Commission regulations.
Based on the said Opinions, the European Commission adopted the above-mentioned Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/469 of 14 February 2020.
With a view to providing AMC and GM fully coherent with the text of the rule as adopted, EASA undertook the necessary adaptations. Stakeholders, who contributed to the drafting and subsequent review of that material, were consulted to ensure their agreement on the changes.