05/09/2024 |
Regular update of the standardised European rules of the air — AMC and GM to Implementing Regulations (EU) 2024/403 and (EU) 2024/404, and to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2024/405
ED Decision 2024/008/R
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05/09/2024 |
Regular update of the standardised European rules of the air — AMC and GM to Implementing Regulations (EU) 2024/403 and (EU) 2024/404, and to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2024/405
ED Decision 2024/007/R
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05/09/2024 |
Regular update of the standardised European rules of the air — AMC and GM to Implementing Regulations (EU) 2024/403 and (EU) 2024/404, and to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2024/405
ED Decision 2024/006/R
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16/07/2024 |
Correcting ED Decision 2024/004/R - ‘Transposition of “AMC1 ADR.OR.D.005(b)(11) Management System” from Annex I into Annex III to ED Decision 2024/004/R to correct its applicability date’
ED Decision 2024/005/R
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19/06/2024 |
Regular update of the aerodrome rules: Aerodrome safety and change of aerodrome operator | Occurrence reporting
ED Decision 2024/004/R
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21/05/2024 |
CS-ACNS in support of the automatic dependent surveillance-contract extended projected profile (ADS-C EPP) capability — CS-ACNS Issue 5
ED Decision 2024/003/R
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22/03/2024 |
Design or production organisations of ATM/ANS equipment
ED Decision 2024/002/R
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22/03/2024 |
Conformity assessment of ATM/ANS equipment
ED Decision 2024/001/R
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19/12/2023 |
Flight and duty time limitations and rest requirements for commercial air transport with aeroplanes — night duties and late finish duties
ED Decision 2023/023/R
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19/12/2023 |
DS for Part 21 Light (DS-21LD) — Issue 1
ED Decision 2023/022/R
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19/12/2023 |
CS-25 Amendment 28
ED Decision 2023/021/R
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18/12/2023 |
Regular update of CS-E
ED Decision 2023/020/R
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02/11/2023 |
Review of Part-66 | New training methods and new teaching technologies
ED Decision 2023/019/R
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26/10/2023 |
Conformity assessment of ATM/ANS equipment | Amendment to the AMC & GM to the ATM/ANS Regulation
ED Decision 2023/018/R
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26/10/2023 |
Conformity assessment of ATM/ANS equipment | AMC & GM to Part-AUR.COM — Issue 1 and AMC & GM to Part-AUR.SUR — Issue 1
ED Decision 2023/017/R
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26/10/2023 |
Conformity assessment of ATM/ANS equipment | AMC & GM to the Articles of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2023/1768 — Issue 1
ED Decision 2023/016/R
Amended |
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26/10/2023 |
Conformity assessment of ATM/ANS equipment | DS-GE.CER/DEC — Issue 1 and DS-GE.SoC — Issue 1
ED Decision 2023/015/R
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20/10/2023 |
Amendment to the Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to Commission Regulation (EU) No 748/2012
ED Decision 2023/014/R
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20/10/2023 |
Acceptable means of compliance and guidance material to Annex Ib (Part 21 Light) to Regulation (EU) No 748/2012 and to the annexes to Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014
ED Decision 2023/013/R
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20/10/2023 |
Regular update of the AMC and GM to Regulations (EU) 2019/945 and 2019/947 (drones in the ‘open’ and ‘specific’ category)
ED Decision 2023/012/R
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04/09/2023 |
Regular update of the air traffic controller licensing rules — Enhanced mobility options and streamlined qualifications for air traffic controllers
ED Decision 2023/011/R
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13/07/2023 |
Management of information security risks - Development of acceptable means of compliance and guidance material to support the Part-IS regulatory package implementation
ED Decision 2023/010/R
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13/07/2023 |
Management of information security risks - Development of acceptable means of compliance and guidance material to support the Part-IS regulatory package implementation
ED Decision 2023/009/R
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13/07/2023 |
Management of information security risks - Development of acceptable means of compliance and guidance material to support the Part-IS regulatory package implementation
ED Decision 2023/008/R
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28/06/2023 |
Helicopter emergency medical service performance and public interest sites
ED Decision 2023/007/R
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20/04/2023 |
AMC & GM to Part-TCO — Issue 1, Amendment 1
ED Decision 2023/006/R
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31/03/2023 |
Guidance material on remote aerodrome traffic services — Issue 3
ED Decision 2023/005/R
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28/03/2023 |
‘Provision of rescue and firefighting services for General Aviation flights’
ED Decision 2023/004/R
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28/03/2023 |
‘Provision of rescue and firefighting services for General Aviation flights’
ED Decision 2023/003/R
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07/03/2023 |
Regular update of the Certification Specifications for Normal-Category Aeroplanes
ED Decision 2023/002/R
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07/02/2023 |
Enhancement of the safety assessment processes for rotorcraft designs’ | Regular update of the Certification Specifications for Small Rotorcraft (CS-27), and Large Rotorcraft (CS-29)
ED Decision 2023/001/R
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20/12/2022 |
AMC and GM to the rules of the air — Issue 1, Amendment 6
ED Decision 2022/024/R
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20/12/2022 |
AMC and GM to Part-ATS — Issue 1, Amendment 4
ED Decision 2022/023/R
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20/12/2022 |
AMC and GM to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/664 — Issue 1
ED Decision 2022/022/R
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19/12/2022 |
Embodiment of safety management system and occurrence-reporting requirements into Part 21 — Amendment to the Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to Part 21
ED Decision 2022/021/R
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16/11/2022 |
Recognising that the system of the State of Israel includes the same independent level of checking of compliance in the field of production as provided by Commission Regulation (EU) No 748/2012
ED Decision 2022/030/ED
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04/11/2022 |
Amendments to the SERA radiotelephony phraseologies for pilot–air traffic controller voice communications | AMC and GM to the rules of the air — Issue 1, Amendment 5
ED Decision 2022/020/R
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19/09/2022 |
Large aeroplane tyre pressure monitoring | Helicopter ditching and water impact occupant survivability
ED Decision 2022/019/R
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02/09/2022 |
Continuing airworthiness management in a single air carrier business grouping
ED Decision 2022/017/R
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31/08/2022 |
Regular update of CS-ETSO and ETSO for electrical hoist equipment
ED Decision 2022/018/R
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29/08/2022 |
Aeronautical information publication — AMC & GM to the Aerodromes rules
ED Decision 2022/016/R
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29/08/2022 |
Aeronautical information publication — AMC & GM to the ATM/ANS rules
ED Decision 2022/015/R
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19/08/2022 |
Update of ORO.FC — review of crew training provisions
ED Decision 2022/014/R
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06/07/2022 |
All-weather operations — AMC & GM to aerodrome rules
ED Decision 2022/013/R
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30/06/2022 |
All-weather operations — AMC & GM to air operations rules
ED Decision 2022/012/R
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10/05/2022 |
Amendment of the AMC & GM to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 | SMS in Part-145 and Occurrence reporting
ED Decision 2022/011/R
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02/05/2022 |
CS-29 – Amendment 10 — corrigendum
ED Decision 2022/010/R
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27/04/2022 |
CS-STAN Issue 4
ED Decision 2022/009/R
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05/04/2022 |
Regular update of CS-ACNS
ED Decision 2022/008/R
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30/03/2022 |
Certification specifications, including airworthiness codes and acceptable means of compliance, for all-weather operations — CS-AWO Issue 2
ED Decision 2022/007/R
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