- A - General
- B - Fees for the Certification of Products
- C - Fees for the Approval of Organisations
- D - Services of the Agency
- E - Charging of travel costs
- F - Contact
The level of fees payable by applicants for certificates and approvals issued, maintained or amended by the Agency, and of charges for publications, handling of appeals, training and any other service provided by the Agency are determined by Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2153.
EASA periodically reviews its fees & charges to align them with changes in the aviation sector and its own cost basis. The last review was undertaken in 2019 and resulted in Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2153, which entered into force on 1 January 2020. A new review is currently in progress with a target date for publication of a new fees & charges regulation in 2026.
For applications related to product certification, you may consult this Fee Calculator for Product Certification Tasks for an indication of the fees due.
This page compiles Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) concerning the Agency's system of fees & charges.
Please note that the Fees & Charges — FAQ and calculator are provided for convenience only. All information provided within is of a general nature only and is not intended to address the specific circumstances of any particular individual or entity. It may be used as guidance material but under no circumstances it may substitute, amend or otherwise affect in any way Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2153. If, at any time, there is a discrepancy, inconsistency or conflict between the information provided in Fees & Charges — FAQ and information in the above mentioned regulation, the latter shall prevail.
A - General
A.1 - Which application form should I use?
All application forms are available from the Application forms page.
A.2 - Do I have to pay?
In general, all EASA certification tasks and service activities are chargeable. Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2153 of the European Commission requires the Agency to levy fees for the issuance of certificates and approvals and to levy charges for the provision of services.
The applicable Regulation and further information can be found under Fees and charges regulations.
A.3 - When do I have to pay?
Based on your application or based on your Certificate or Approval under the Agency’s surveillance, you shall receive an invoice notifying you of the fee or charge to be paid. (EASA invoices feature the word “Invoice” in the title and an eight-digit document invoice number starting with the digits ‘90’). Please do not pay anything before you have received such an invoice. The Terms of Payment (General Terms of Payment) for all invoices is 30 days.
Invoices are issued depending on the nature of the fee or charge:
- tasks which give rise to the payment of a flat rate: after receipt of the application at EASA;
- tasks which give rise to the payment of a flat rate occurring after the issuance of the certificate (e.g. continued airworthiness activities, oversight activities): before the start of the annual billing cycle;
- tasks which give rise to the payment of fees or charges on an hourly basis: invoicing is either on a quarterly, yearly or monthly basis.
In some cases a payment is required before the project can start or continue; in the case of hourly charging the invoice is based on the estimated number of working hours.
Travel costs are charged as soon as the related data becomes available.
A.4 - Who sets EASA's Fees and Charges?
EASA Fees & Charges are set by the European Commission. They are laid down in Implementing Regulation 2019/2153. A certain number of long-running projects shall still be invoiced in accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) No 319/2014 – please refer to Article 21 Transitional provisions of the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2153. The Fees and Charges Regulation (EU) is subject to reviews.
A.5 - How much do I have to pay?
Please note that the majority of tasks (e.g. new type certificates, minor/major changes, repairs, supplemental type certificates, organisation approvals) are subject to flat fees and charges as laid down in Part I of the Annex to Implementing Regulation 2019/2153. Hourly fees and charges apply to tasks that are listed in Part II of the Annex. For projects invoiced on an hourly basis, a quote shall be provided by the Agency upon request of the applicant (applicant.services [at] easa.europa.eu (applicant[dot]services[at]easa[dot]europa[dot]eu)).
A.6 - What are the transition rules for Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2153?
Applicability of Implementing Regulation 2019/2153 i.a.w. Implementing Regulation 2019/2153, Article 21:
a. New applications received after 1 January 2020
b. Ongoing projects subject to annual flat fees, oversight tasks (surveillance fee), continued airworthiness activities (annual fees) etc.: as from the first billing cycle after 1 January 2020
c. Working hours performed after 1 January 2020
d. Tasks previously charged on hourly basis for which flat fees are applicable as of the entry into force of the new regulation (surveillance fees): as from 1 January 2020
e. Annual indexation: as from 1 January 2021
f. In the cases referred to in Table 5 and Table 6 of Part I of the Annex as well as in respect of organisation approval fees and device qualification approval fees referred to in Table 14 of Part I of the Annex, fees and charges relating to applications ongoing at the entry into force of Implementing Regulation 2019/2153 shall be calculated according to Part II of the Annex until completion of the tasks resulting from those applications.
g. Travel costs for missions started after 1 January 2020 shall be charged based on the provisions of the new regulation.
A.8 - How much do I have to pay if I withdraw or interrupt my application or if the Agency terminates the certification task or service?
- For those tasks referred to in Tables 1, 2, 3, 6 (point (1) of Part I of the Annex to Implementing Regulation 2019/2153, levied per application and per period of 12 months, the balance of any fees or charges due for the ongoing 12-month period shall be 1/365th of the relevant annual fee/charge per day. They shall be payable in full at the time EASA stops working, together with any other amounts due at that time, such as travel costs. For the periods preceding the ongoing 12-month period, the applicable fees remain due.
- For those tasks referred to in Tables 4, 5, 6 (point (2) and 15 of Part I of the Annex and for fixed fees referred to in Part II of the Annex to Implementing Regulation 2019/2153, levied per application, the balance of any fees due shall be 50 % of the applicable fee. They shall be payable in full at the time EASA stops working, together with any other amounts due at that time, such as travel costs.
- For approval fees referred to in Tables 9 to 14 of Part I of the Annex, levied per application, the balance of any fees due, shall be calculated on an hourly basis but shall not exceed the applicable flat fee. They shall be payable in full at the time EASA stops working, together with any other amounts due at that time, such as travel costs.
- For fees referred to in Part II of the Annex, levied on an hourly basis, the balance of any fees due shall be calculated on an hourly basis;
- For other services, all costs shall be payable in full at the time EASA stops working.
Where an interruption of the performance of a task related to an application takes effect within the first billing cycle, the fees for that billing cycle shall not be reimbursed. Where such interruption takes effect after the first billing cycle, the balance of any fees due shall be calculated in accordance with the above mentioned criteria.
In the event that a project is reactivated automatically after the expiration of the interruption period or at the request of the applicant, the task shall be charged a new fee/charge, irrespective of the fees/charges already paid for the interrupted task.
(Reference: Articles 10 and 16 of the Implementing Regulation 2019/2153)
A.9 - How much do I have to pay if I apply for the re-issuance of certificates and documents?
- One hour shall be charged if documents are reissued without technical involvement, on request of the applicant e.g. in order to replace lost originals
- One hour shall be charged if documents are reissued on request of the applicant in the context of technical changes which do not require a project involvement of the Agency (e.g. amended TCs following minor changes by TC-holder DOAs)
- One hour shall be charged to reflect editorial changes (e.g. change of company name)
- One hour shall be charged for grandfathered documents to be reissued in the EASA format without technical involvement
A.10 - What reference should I include with my bank transfer?
You should indicate only the document number shown on the invoice. EASA invoices feature the word “Invoice” in the title and an eight-digit document invoice number starting with the digits ‘90’. It is very important to use the correct reference - if you do not provide the invoice number or a payment advice - EASA shall be obliged to return the payment to you, at your expense.
Please remember that EASA does not accept cash, cheques and credit card payments nor payments in currencies other than Euro. Only wire transfers in EURO are acceptable means of payment.
A.11 - Why does EASA need my bank details?
This is required in case we need to process a refund. The required information is contained in the EASA Third Party Financial Information form, which is included at the end of each application form. If your details change, you should provide the EASA with a new EASA Third Party Financial Information form.
A.12 - Do I have to fill in the EASA Third Party Financial Information form for subsequent applications?
No, as the EASA Third Party Financial Information for your organisation has been registered in our database with your first application, unless the information has changed there is no need to fill in the form again.
A.7 - How is the inflation rate applied?
For Fees and Charges applicable under Commission Regulation (EU) 319/2014: In accordance with Chapter I Article 3(4) and Chapter VI Article 19(1)(d), all Fees and Charges indicated in Parts I and II of the Annex shall be indexed by the inflation rate yearly on 1 January - starting on 1 January 2015.
Date | Indexation rate (%) | Accumulated Factor |
01/01/2015 | 0.7 | 1.007 |
01/01/2016 | 0.0 | 1.007 |
01/01/2017 | 0.1 | 1.00801 |
01/01/2018 | 1.5 | 1.02313 |
01/01/2019 | 1.8 | 1.04154 |
For Fees and Charges applicable under Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2153: In accordance with Article 3, all Fees and Charges indicated in Parts I, II and IIa of the Annex shall be indexed by the inflation rate yearly on 1 January - starting on 1 January 2021.
Date | Indexation rate (%) | Accumulated Factor |
01/01/2021 | 1.0 | 1.010 |
01/01/2022 | 1.7 | 1.027 |
01/01/2023 | 7.7 | 1.106 |
01/01/2024 | 8.3 | 1.198 |
01/01/2025 |
2,8 |
1,232 |
B - Fees for the Certification of Products
How are the Rotorcraft Product categories defined for the calculation of the EASA Fees and Charges?
Implementing Regulation 2019/2153 establishes the EASA Fees and Charges and defines in Part V points (2) and (3) the following categories of Rotorcraft Products for this purpose (only):
“‘VTOL’ refers to rotorcraft or any other heavier-than-air aircraft that has the capability of vertical take-off and/or vertical landing. ‘HTOL’ refers to any heavier-than-air aircraft that is not a VTOL.“
“‘VTOL Large Aircraft’ refers to CS-29 and CS-27 CAT A aircraft; ‘VTOL Small Aircraft’ refers to CS-27 aircraft with maximum take-off weight (MTOW) below 3 175 kg and limited to 4 seats, including pilot; ‘VTOL Medium Aircraft’ refers to other CS-27 aircraft.”
The applicable Fees and Charges category for each product can be consulted in the EASA website under 'Product Lists'.
B.1 - Which application form should I use?
All application forms are available from the Application forms page.
B.2 - Can EASA confirm that a single application may be submitted covering several aircraft types or models if the same change is applicable to these aircraft types or models?
In general, one application for TC, RTC, STC, Major and Minor Change can cover several models but not more than one type per certificate. EASA may deviate from this principle,
- when validating foreign approvals. For the validation of STCs and major changes, EASA shall process the application in the same way as the certifying authority. If the certifying authority has processed such an application as a single application, then EASA shall do likewise;
- if the technical change is identical for several product types and if no type specific compliance finding is required.
B.3 - In which MTOW category is the aircraft for which I want to submit an application for TC, Major Change, STC, Minor Change or for which I have to pay CAW fees as TC holder?
The MTOW category depends on the TC only, irrespective whether the individual aircraft model differs from the MTOW of the TC.
The MTOW category for the TC is predetermined by the majority (>50%) of models that belong to the TC. In the event that there is an equal number of models, meaning not above 50% in either MTOW category, the higher category is applicable.
The TC category determines all subsequent applications, including the model fee and CAW fees.
B.4 - Does my aircraft belong to a higher fee category because it is a High Performance?
Not necessarily: it depends on the performance category of the majority of aircraft models belonging to one TC. The higher fee category (=higher MTOW category) is applicable when the majority or equal number of models (≥ 50%) are HPA.
The TC category determines all subsequent applications, including the model fee and CAW fees.
B.5 How are the Flight Simulation Training Devices (FSTDs) and organisations charged?
Flat fees are charged for the FSTDs and organisations – approval and surveillance – per Table 14 of the Annex to the Implementing Regulation 2019/2153.
The approval fees are charged per application, whereas the surveillance fees are charged per application and per period of 12 months.
The approval flat fees (organisation and device) are applicable to all new applications received after 1 January 2020.
The surveillance fees of valid FSTDs and organisation approvals are applicable as of 1 January 2020.
Organisation approval fees and device qualification approval fees referred to in Table 14 of Part I of the Annex, related to ongoing projects at the entry into force of the Implementing Regulation 2019/2153, shall be calculated according to Part II of the Annex until completion of the tasks resulting from those applications.
Part V “Explanatory Note” of the Annex to Implementing Regulation 2019/2153 – note (13) – stipulates the definition of a location as well as other important details related to FSTDs and organisations.
B.6 How are Certification Support for Validation (CSV) and Maintenance Review Board (MRB) applications charged based on Implementing Regulation 2019/2153?
Flat charges are applied in case of submittal to the Agency of a CSV and/or MRB application after 1 January 2020, in accordance with the provisions of Article 15 of Implementing Regulation 2019/2153.
Please note the exception related to CSV applications - Part V “Explanatory Note” of the Annex to Implementing Regulation 2019/2153 – note (10).
The reference Annex tables are Table 5 – CSV and table 6 – MRB.
The CSV charges are applied per application.
(Please refer also to Part V “Explanatory Note” of the Annex to Implementing Regulation 2019/2153 – note (10) – for relevant details.)
The Initial MRB report applications are charged per application and per period of 12 months.
The Revision of MRB reports applications are charged per application.
Extract from Article 21 of Implementing Regulation 2019/2153
In the cases referred to in Table 5 and Table 6 of Part I of the Annex, and notwithstanding those provisions, charges relating to applications ongoing at the entry into force of this Regulation shall be calculated according to Part II of the Annex until completion of the tasks resulting from those applications.
C - Fees for the Approval of Organisations
C.1 - General
C.1.1 - When does the application or surveillance fee have to be paid by the organisation?
- The application fee must be paid prior to the commencement of any work.
- For the issuance, maintenance or amendment of the certificate, all invoices issued so far for the related project must have been paid.
- The first annual surveillance fee has to be paid after receiving the certificate and upon receipt of the invoice.
- The aforementioned methods are applicable for hourly fees (the first invoice is based on an estimate of working hours) and flat fees.
C.1.2 - Should administrative staff be included in the calculation of the number of staff?
Only administrative staff required to comply with the applicable Regulation and associated AMC/Guidance should be included in the calculation of the number of staff.
C.1.3 - Should the total number of staff include contracted employees, employed by the company on a one year or two year contract basis?
Any staff employed by the organisation shall be included in the total number of staff. With regard to the contracted staff the organisation shall identify them in the box "contractors" in the EASA Form and they will be added to the total number of staff for the fee purpose.
C.1.4 - Can I apply for a re-calculation of my fee if there is a change of rating or scope within the invoice period?
In the event of a change in the rating or the scope during the year covered by the surveillance fee, the Agency shall re-calculate the next billing cycle(s) of the surveillance fee, following the approval of the change.
C.1.5 - Can I apply for a re-calculation of my fee if there is a change in the capacity of my organisation following, for example, a reorganisation, restructuring or redundancy programme?
In the event of a change in the activity of an organisation, e.g. change to the number of staff, change of the facilities and/or courses, and upon declaration and approval of this change as a significant change with the appropriate EASA Form, the Agency shall re-calculate the next billing cycle(s) of the surveillance fee, following the approval of the change.
C.2 - Design Organisation Approval (DOA) and Alternative Procedure for Design Organisation Approval (AP DOA)
C.2.1.1 - Which application form should I use for approval of Design Organisation services?
All application forms are available from the Application forms page.
C.2.1.2 - How can I determine the amount of the fee applicable to my Design Organisation?
The fee depends on two elements:
- the type of activity for which a DOA is applied.
- the number of staff related to the activities under the scope of the agreement.
C.2.1.3 - How can I calculate the number of staff for my Design Organisation?
The number of staff should be calculated as follows:
For all sites involved in design and certification activities under the approval:
All staff involved in:
- Managing the design organisation;
- Drawing, calculating, testing, simulating;
- Producing and verifying compliance documentation;
- Performing airworthiness office tasks; System monitoring.
In addition, for Design subcontractors, the following staff should be counted:
- All staff involved in producing compliance documents;
- All staff involved in verifying compliance documents;
- All staff involved in airworthiness office tasks;
- All staff involved in system monitoring.
C.2.2 - What do I have to pay for my AP DOA application and changes to it?
The fees applicable for an AP DOA application are stipulated in Table 9B of the Annex to Implementing Regulation 2019/2153.
Changes to AP DOA are charged on an hourly basis as set out in Part II of the Annex to Implementing Regulation 2019/2153.
C.3 - Production Organisation Approval (POA)
C.3.1 - Which application form should I use for approval of foreign Production organisation services?
All application forms are available from the Application forms page.
C.3.2 - As of when are the new criteria (for determining the corresponding initial investigation and surveillance fees) for Production Organisation approvals applicable?
The new criteria are applicable for all applications received after 1 January 2020 and for all valid (existing) approvals at the entry into force as from the next billing cycle starting after the entry into force of the Implementing Regulation 2019/2153. Approvals issued after 1 January 2020 are also subject to the fees stipulated in Table 10 of the Annex to the Implementing Regulation 2019/2153.
C.4 - Maintenance Organisation Approval (MOA) and Maintenance Training Organisation Approval (MTOA)
C.4.1.1 - Foreign Part-145 Organisations subject to bilateral agreements - Which application form should I use for approval of Foreign Part-145 Organisations subject to bilateral agreements?
All application forms are available from the Application forms page.
C.4.1.2 - Foreign Part-145 Organisations subject to bilateral agreements - For which timeframe is the application fee levied?
The application fee for approvals under a bilateral agreement covers the initial process.
For the continued validity of the approval, following the issuance of the approval, the applicant is charged an annual continuation fee.
C.4.2.1 - Foreign Part-145 Organisations not subject to bilateral agreements - Which application form should I use for application for a Foreign Part-145 organisation that is not subject to a bilateral agreement?
All application forms are available from the Application forms page.
C.4.2.2 - Foreign Part-145 Organisations not subject to bilateral agreements - Does "the fee will be based on the number of staff related to the organisation" mean the total number of staff employed in an organisation (including non technical)?
This means the total number of staff employed by the organisation in order to comply with EASA Part-145. This number should include, but is not limited to: the nominated Persons in accordance with Part-145.A.30 a & b - post-holders, managers, supervisors, certifying staff, technicians and mechanics for aircraft, engines and components, NDT personnel, technical support personnel such as planners, engineers, technical record staff, librarians, quality control/assurance staff, specialized services staff, training staff, store department staff, purchasing department staff, contract staff in the above categories. Some of these staff are not considered as technical staff but shall be included in the total number of staff.
C.4.2.3 - Foreign Part-145 Organisations not subject to bilateral agreements - If the technical ratings of an organisation contain several A ratings (A1, A2, A3, A4) and several B ratings (B1, B2, B3), will this organisation be charged the highest A rating flat fee plus the highest B rating flat fee?
In the case of multiple A and B ratings, only the highest fee will be charged.
C.4.3.1 - Foreign Part 147 Organisations not subject to bilateral agreements - Which application form should I use for application for a foreign Maintenance Training organisation?
All application forms are available from the Application forms page.
C.4.3.2 - Foreign Part 147 Organisations not subject to bilateral agreements - Does "the fee will be based on the number of staff related to the organisation" mean the total number of staff employed in an organisation (including non technical)?
This means the total number of staff employed by the organisation in order to comply with EASA Part-147. This number should include, but is not limited to: the nominated Persons in accordance with Part 147.A.105 a, b & c - managers, quality assurance staff, trainers, examiners, practical assessors, instructors, contract staff in the above categories.
C.4.4 - Do I have to pay fees for each facility?
Approval fee: One facility is included in the organisation approval fee as well as in the annual organisation surveillance fee. For the second and each subsequent facility, additional approval fees are charged. This can be in the phase of the initial approval as well as during the surveillance phase.
Surveillance fee: For facilities added after the initial organisation approval, the surveillance fee shall be adapted as of the next fee cycle, following the approval of the change.
Temporary sites, as detailed in the MOE, are not subject to fees.
Approval | Surveillance | ||
Permanently approved site* | As detailed in MTOE § 1.6 | Chargeable, as following:
Chargeable, as following:
Temporary site* | When applicable and iaw a dedicated procedure described in MTOE § 2.8 and/ or § 2.16 |
Chargeable as following:
* policy applicable to organisation’s and sub-contractor site
C.4.5 - Do I have to pay fees for each training course?
One training course is included in the initial approval fee. If you offer more than one training course, approval fees are charged for each additional course. This can be in the phase of the initial approval as well as during the surveillance phase.
No additional surveillance fee is charged for training courses.
Changes, upgrades, amendments to existing training courses are not subject to fees.
Approval** | Surveillance | ||
Basic training | Cat B1.1 | Chargeable, except when: - already approved for B1.2, - concurrently applying for B1.2 |
n/a |
Cat B1.2 | Chargeable, except when: - already approved for B1.1, - concurrently applying for B1.1 |
n/a | |
Cat B1.3 | Chargeable, except when: - already approved for B1.4, - concurrently applying for B1.4 |
n/a | |
Cat B1.4 | Chargeable, except when: - already approved for B1.3, - concurrently applying for B1.3 |
n/a | |
Cat B2 | Chargeable | n/a | |
Cat B3 | Chargeable | n/a | |
Cat A1 | Chargeable, except when:
n/a | |
Cat A2 | Chargeable, except when:
Cat A3 | Chargeable, except when:
Cat A4 | Chargeable, except when:
Cat (B1.X+B2) | Chargeable, except when:
n/a | |
“Bridging” course (ie Cat B1.X to Cat B1.Y) | Chargeable, except when:
n/a | |
Type Training | Type cat B1 (theory + Practical) | Chargeable, except when:
Example 1: addition of A321 (CFM56) to an already approved A319/A320 (CFM56) course. Example 2: addition of GIV-X ( G450) to an already approved GIV-X ( G350) course.
Example: addition of A320 (V2500) course to an already approved A320 (CFM56) course. |
n/a |
Type cat B2 (theory + Practical) | Chargeable, except when:
Example 1: addition of A321 (CFM56) to an already approved A319/A320 (CFM56) course. Example 2: addition of GIV-X ( G450) to an already approved GIV-X ( G350) course.
Example: addition of A320 (V2500) course to an already approved A320 (CFM56) course. |
n/a | |
C | Chargeable, except when:
n/a | |
A | Chargeable, except when:
n/a | |
“Differences” course (theory / Practical) | Chargeable*, except when:
* a difference course means: . From aircraft A to aircraft B, or . from aircraft B to aircraft A. in case both courses are submitted, only 1 is chargeable. |
n/a | |
Type cat (B1+B2) (theory + Practical) | Chargeable, except when:
n/a | |
Type cat B1 (theory only) | Chargeable, except when:
Example 1: addition of A321 (CFM56) to an already approved A319/A320 (CFM56) course. Example 2: addition of GIV-X ( G450) to an already approved GIV-X ( G350) course.
Example: addition of A320 (V2500) course to an already approved A320 (CFM56) course. |
n/a | |
Type cat B2 (theory only) | Chargeable, except when:
Example 1: addition of A321 (CFM56) to an already approved A319/A320 (CFM56) course. Example 2: addition of GIV-X ( G450) to an already approved GIV-X ( G350) course.
Example: addition of A320 (V2500) course to an already approved A320 (CFM56) course. |
n/a | |
Type cat B1 (Practical only) | Chargeable, except when:
Example 1: addition of A321 (CFM56) to an already approved A319/A320 (CFM56) course. Example 2: addition of GIV-X ( G450) to an already approved GIV-X ( G350) course.
Example: addition of A320 (V2500) course to an already approved A320 (CFM56) course. |
n/a | |
Type cat B2 (Practical only) | Chargeable, except when:
Example 1: addition of A321 (CFM56) to an already approved A319/A320 (CFM56) course. Example 2: addition of GIV-X ( G450) to an already approved GIV-X ( G350) course.
Example: addition of A320 (V2500) course to an already approved A320 (CFM56) course. |
n/a | |
Type cat B1 + B2 (Practical only) | Chargeable, except when:
n/a | |
Engine course only (B1 or B2) | Chargeable, except when:
n/a | |
Airframe course only (B1 or B2) | Chargeable, except when:
n/a | |
Avionics course only (B1 or B2) | Chargeable, except when:
n/a | |
Reduced course for experienced engineers (B1 or B2) | Chargeable, except when:
n/a |
** applicable whenever the course is applied for either as part of an initial application for an organisation approval, or when the course is added to an existing approved scope of approval.
D - Services of the Agency
D.1 - Which tasks are considered as services?
The following tasks are defined as services and subject to flat charges or charged on an hourly basis:
- Validation support (acceptance of EASA certification by foreign authorities) (CSV),
- EASA acceptance of Maintenance Review Board reports (MRB)
- EASA Acceptance of Operational Evaluation Board Reports (OEB),
- Administrative re-issuance of documents,
- ECoA
- Services not mentioned specifically in the Annex, such as Technical Advice Contract.
Pursuant to Article 14 of the Implementing Regulation 2019/2153, Services not charged by the hour:
- Publications,
- Technical training, as detailed in Part IIa of the Annex to the Implementing Regulation 2019/2153.
D.2 - What is the applicable hourly rate for services charged on an hourly basis?
The hourly basis charges for services are based on the real costs of the Agency and on the number of hours spent. This type of services are charged at the hourly rate i.a.w. Chapter III of the Implementing Regulation 2019/2153 and Parts II and IIa of its Annex.
D.3 - When do I have to pay for Services?
- In general, the invoicing of charges on an hourly basis takes place each quarter, once information regarding the number of performed working hours becomes available to the Agency and/or when the service is closed.
- The invoicing of flat charges takes place in advance upon receipt of the application. For particular task such as MRB flat charges shall be charged on an annual basis until the completion of the task.
- In certain circumstances payment is required before the project can start or continue, in which case an invoice based on the estimated number of working hours is issued.
Training services are invoiced as soon as the data becomes available.
E - Charging of travel costs
E.1 - Are travel costs included in Fees and Charges?
Not all travel costs are included in fees or charges; they are charged separately under the following conditions:
- For certification tasks, the fee corresponding to the task does not include the travel costs outside the EU member states (Article 6 (1) and (2) of Implementing Regulation 2019/2153.
- For services related to certification tasks, the travel costs are charged in the same manner as the certification task (Article 6 (1) and (2)).
- For training services subject to charges, as defined in PART IIa of the Annex to CIR (EU) 2019/2153 , the cost of travel within and outside the EU member states shall be invoiced in addition to the charges due.
- All travel costs shall be divided accordingly amongst applicants if an expert worked on more than one project in the course of a single trip.
- An itemized breakdown of costs shall be provided without supporting documents (e.g. hotel bills, air fare) to protect the personal and financial data of the experts involved
E.2 - How are travel costs charged when they arise from trips which started after 1st January 2020?
Activity type |
Travel inside / outside EU |
Charging of travel costs |
Certification tasks and services related to certification tasks | inside EU | No |
Certification tasks and services related to certification tasks | outside EU | Yes |
Training services subject to charges | inside / outside EU | Yes |
E.3 - Standard "per diem" rates for days spent on business trips by experts
Per Diems cover all expenses at the place of assignment including accommodation, meals, incidental expenses and travel allowances paid to staff. The standard rate varies according to the country and is published regularly by the European Commission.
Per diems are charged only for trips which include an overnight stay.
E.4 - Transport costs
Further to the Agency’s travel policy, all experts must use the most appropriate and cost-effective means of transport. As far as possible, public or shared transport shall be used.
Air travel
All flight tickets shall be booked according to the following conditions:
- in economy class or equivalent, at the lowest available rates, taking into account the times of meetings and/or special features of the mission for all segments that involve up to four hours continuous flying time;
- in business class or equivalent, at the lowest available rates, taking into account the times of meetings and/or special features of the mission if the travel includes at least one segment involving at least four hours continuous flying time
If lower fare prices require a weekend stay (Sunday rule), additional per diems may be charged.
Rail travel
All journeys shall be booked in first-class, taking the shortest and most cost-effective route.
E.5 - Travel time
The time spent by an expert in the means of transport is charged at the hourly rate. In general, Standard number of travel hours per destination is used. The standard travel time is comprised of various components:
- Travel time is counted from the time of departure from the normal place of work of the expert (or home, if he/she leaves directly from home) to his/her arrival at the destination. The destination shall be the place at which the certification task or service is to be performed.
- No travel time shall be charged for any kind of transport delay, regardless of the cause.
- No more than 12 hours travel time shall be charged to any calendar day. For the purpose of travel time calculation, a calendar day is calculated on the basis of the local time at destination. This means that if an expert leaves Chicago the evening of day N and lands in Cologne on day N+1 he / she would have been travelling over 2 calendar days.
E.6 - What is the “e” - component?
When travelling to non-EU destinations to conduct certification or service related tasks, the travel costs inside the territories of the Member States have to be deducted from the total travel costs. This is done through the application of the "e" component. The "e" component covers the average time spent by experts in the means of transport inside the territories of the Member States multiplied by the hourly fee as well as the average ticket costs inside the member states. The "e" component shall be clearly indicated in the travel costs break downs provided by the Agency. The total amount of the "e" component shall be revised once a year.
Please find below the evolution of the e-component value, in Euro:
1/6/2009 - 31/5/2010 | -1.175,00 |
1/6/2010 - 31/5/2011 | -1.187,00 |
1/6/2011 - 31/5/2012 | -1.212,00 |
1/6/2012 - 31/5/2013 | -1.270,00 |
1/6/2013 - 31/3/2014 | -1.300,00 |
1/4/2014 - 31/12/2014 | -1.200,00 |
1/1/2015 - 31/12/2015 | -1.210,00 |
1/1/2016 - 31/12/2016 | -1.210,00 |
1/1/2017 - 31/12/2017 | -1.210,00 |
1/1/2018 - 31/12/2018 | -1.228,00 |
1/1/2019 - 31/12/2019 | -1.248,00 |
1/1/2020 - 31/12/2020 | -1.220,00 |
1/1/2021 - 31/12/2021 | -1.233,00 |
1/1/2022 - 31/12/2022 | -1.253,00 |
1/1/2023 - 31/12/2023 | -1.350,00 |
1/1/2024 - 31/12/2024 | -1.461,00 |
E.7 - Do I have to pay travel cancellation costs?
If the Agency cancels a trip upon request of the Applicant, any cancellation costs incurred shall be charged to the Applicant. If the trip has to be cancelled upon request of the Agency, cancellation costs shall be borne by the Agency.
F - Contact
F.1 - Whom can I contact for further queries?
Queries related to Fees & Charges should be sent to: applicant.services [at] easa.europa.eu
Queries related to payments and account status should be sent to: accounts.receivable [at] easa.europa.eu (accounts[dot]receivable[at]easa[dot]europa[dot]eu)