What is meant with “automatic landing system” in CSAWO.A.ALS.101(a)? Does Subpart A apply to general aviation aircraft (eg certified according to CS 23) approved for IFR and with autopilot installed?
What is meant with “automatic landing system” in CSAWO.A.ALS.101(a)? Does Subpart A apply to general aviation aircraft (eg certified according to CS 23) approved for IFR and with autopilot installed?
As explained in AMC AWO.A.ALS.lOl(a) the term 'automatic landing system' (ALS) refers to the airborne equipment which provides automatic control of the aeroplane during the approach and landing. “Automatic landing” should be understood in this respect as “use of autopilot until touchdown”. This capability is typically referred to as “autoland”.
IFR General aviation a/c with autopilot, do not have such capability (until touchdown), so subpart A does not apply.
It is highlighted though that for IFR general aviation aircraft with autopilot and performing category 1 operations, section 1 of subpart B of CS AWO issue 2 applies which clarifies that the relevant specifications of CS 23 shall be met.
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