Foreign Part-145 Approvals (MOA)
Foreign Part-145 approvals are those Part-145 organisations located outside the EU which are not subject to a bilateral agreement.
Important information for EASA Foreign Part 145 Approval Holders/Applicants
- 13/03/2024: Information letter — Management of changes requiring prior approval
Reminder to all EASA Foreign Part-145 organisations of the requirements of Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014, points145.A.15, 145.A.85 and 145.B.330 regarding changes that require prior approval and which provide clarification about the steps to be followed by approved organisations. Changes that require prior approval shall be approved by EASA before they are implemented. - 30/05/2023: Suspended EASA Part-66 licenses. The Civil Aviation Authority of The Netherlands has informed EASA that the type rating endorsed in the EASA Part-66 licenses has been suspended. As a result of this suspension, license holders will continue to hold an EASA Part-66 license with the remaining basic category.
- 24/05/2023: Reminder letter of Russian Sanctions for the Foreign Part-145 Organisations
- 28/11/2022: Information Letter on the revised guidance material for the Foreign Part-145 approvals endorsing SMS requirements (this package includes the material to be used for the SMS change application and “post-SMS” approval, ref. Documentation Index FO.CAO.00136-011). Safety Management system assessment guidance and transition phase regulatory compliance.
- 28/11/2022: EASA guidance material that can still be used during the SMS transition phase (“pre-SMS” approval) from 2 December 2022 until 2 December 2024
- 23/06/2022: Information Letter on the new Safety Management System (SMS) requirements to support Part-145 Organisations/Applicants for SMS implementation in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2021/1963
- 07/03/2022: Important information affecting all continuing airworthiness organisations approved by EASA
- 30/08/2021: Reminder on Maintenance release of non-EU registered aircraft (and other aircraft not covered by the Basic regulation) - this policy is applicable to all holders of an EASA Part-145 approvals issued by EASA, MS NAAs or issued under BASA agreements (also refer to EASA FAQ n.46215)
- 02/02/2021: FAQ with reference table on acceptable parts documentation listed in the various Bilateral Agreements between the European Union and its Bilateral partners.
- 20/01/2021: Information letter on upcoming introduction of SMS and clarification of means to comply with hangar requirements for Aircraft Base Maintenance
Working procedures
Document | Reference | Date Published |
Foreign Part 145 approvals - Documentation index | FO.CAO.00136-012 | 19/11/2024 |
Foreign Part 145 approvals – User Guide for Applicants & Approval Holders | UG.CAO.00006-008 | 28/11/2022 |
Associated documents
Annex A : Documentation related to the management of the approval
Document title | Document identification | Date Published |
Foreign part 145 approvals – EASA Form 2 | FO.CAO.00155-005 | 28/11/2022 |
Foreign part 145 approvals - EASA Form 2 instructions | WI.CAO-00113-010 | 28/11/2022 |
Foreign part 145 approvals - Management Personnel Résumé | FO.CAO.00156-002 | 05/10/2023 |
Foreign part 145 approvals - Management Personnel | WI.CAO-00115-006 | 28/11/2022 |
Foreign part 145 approvals - EASA Part -145 Appendix IV and ICAO Annex I check list | FO.CAO.00030-004 | 04/10/2018 |
Annex B : Guidance material on specific technical requirements
Inquiries relating to the Foreign Part-145 Organisation Approvals should be addressed to:
- Organizations intending to apply for an initial approval or changes to valid approvals:
- Technical queries: EASA Approval holders should contact their allocated Inspector. Queries from other entities related to Part-145 Organisations for which EASA is the competent authority can be addressed to
- Fees & Charges issues:
Looking for the list of approvals?
We moved it just below in the Related Content section and it is better than before! You can directly filter on screen and download the information.
We have also added a list with the scope of approval of the EASA approved organisations. Do take a look.