Termination of RMT.0726 ‘Rotorcraft occupant safety in the event of a bird strike’
RMT.0726 Subtask 2 relates to the retroactive application of the currently applicable bird strike certification specifications contained in CS 27 and CS 29 to both newly produced and in service rotorcraft.
EASA, based on the Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee Rotorcraft Bird Strike Working Group (ARAC RBSWG) recommendations and a complementary technical assessment, has performed a qualitative assessment of the regulatory impact of Subtask 2 on the affected stakeholders.
Based on the following considerations:
- significant economic impact of the retroactive application of the related requirements on industry;
- unpracticable technical solutions to retrofit some rotorcraft; and
- reduction of the risk for, and mitigation of the consequences of, a bird strike through the issue of Safety Information Bulletin (SIB) 2021-07 on Bird Strike Risk Mitigation in Rotorcraft Operations,
EASA has concluded that rulemaking activity RMT.0726 Subtask 2 is disproportionate due to the negative impacts it would create for aviation industry.
Therefore, rulemaking task RMT.0726 is terminated.