General Aviation

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Air Operations for GA

May a European NCC or NCO opertator use third-country registered aircraft?

Why are non-commercial operations treated in two parts, i.e. Part NCC (Non-commercial with complex) motor-powered aircraft and Part NCO (Non-commercial with other-than-complex) motor-powered aircraft?

What does Part-NCO mean for GA pilots? Can I share flying costs between my friends, are there restrictions covering carrying dangerous goods in GA flights, when do I need to use supplemental oxygen and can I perform special operations (e.g. aerial advertisement).

Approval of Flight Conditions

What should the Applicant do?

Why do I need Flight Conditions Approval?

Who can Approve Flight Conditions?

What is the EASA responsible for?

How can I submit an application?


What approval is required for navigation, radio and transponder equipment for balloon operations?

Classification of Avionics Changes

How does EASA classify antenna installations?

How does EASA classify single and dual GNS4xx/5xx installations?

How does EASA classify Transponder Mode S Diversity and dual Transponder installations?

How do I know whether my proposed change is Minor or STC?

Classification of changes (non-avionics)

What might lead to an "acoustical change"?

How does EASA treat my uncertificated ultralight/microlight aircraft?

When do the noise aspects of a propeller and/or engine lead to a classification as major or STC?


What is meant with “automatic landing system” in CSAWO.A.ALS.101(a)? Does Subpart A apply to general aviation aircraft (eg certified according to CS 23) approved for IFR and with autopilot installed?


Does CS-STAN allow the installation of Garmin GNS devices?

Does CS-STAN allow the installation of Garmin GTN devices?

Does CS-STAN allow the installation of digital multifunction engine monitoring devices (e.g. EDM 900)?

Is there any AMC/GM related to CS-STAN?

Clarifications on installation of an ADS-OUT system combined with a transponder system (CS-SC005a) – Configuration 3

Clarifications on installation of an ADS-OUT system combined with a transponder system (CS-SC005a) – Portable units

EASA types and Annex II types

How do I know whether my aircraft is an EASA type?

Execution of ground tests for compliance showing in a Minor Change Application

How can I perform a ground test for showing of compliance (using “not yet approved” design data) in a Minor Change Application?

Extended model list

Use of extended model list in case of minor changes for common replacements (box out - box in) of basic avionics equipment (e.g. transponder)


May I use Unleaded Aviation Gasoline (Avgas) UL 91 even if the airframe TCDS states that the minimum fuel octane is 100?

Grandfathered approvals

What are grandfathered approvals?

Light Sport Aircraft

How does EASA deal with Light Sport Airplanes?


Maintenance for each type of aircraft/operation

What are the alleviations introduced by M.A.302(h) on the maintenance programme for General Aviation?

NOISE – Combination of supplemental type certificates (STCs)

How does EASA deal with Noise – Combination of supplemental type certificates (STCs)?

Orphan aircraft

How does EASA deal with aircraft without a Type Certificate holder?

Permits to Fly

Who can issue a Permit to Fly?

When do I need a Permit to Fly?

I want to apply for approval of flight conditions - what do I need to do? I want to apply for Permit to Fly - what do I need to do?

Russian aircraft

How does EASA deal with Russian general aviation (GA) aircraft types Su-26, Yak-54, Yak-55, Su-29, Su-31, and Yak-18T?

Specific Airworthiness Specifications

How to move an orphan aircraft from Restricted Certificate of Airworthiness (RCoA) to an EASA Permit to Fly (PtF)?

How do I find out if my aircraft has an SAS or TC?


How are the FAA STCs dealt with in General Aviation?

How does EASA deal with STCs on Reims-built Cessna models?

How does EASA deal with Applicable Model Lists?

My aircraft has been modified in the USA by Form 337 action. Can EASA accept this?

How do I apply for an STC approval?

Validation of FAA STCs classified as Basic and limited to one serial number

What is the EASA administrative validation of the FAA Basic STCs for second hand aircraft, serial number specific?

What does the EU applicant need to do?

What is a FAA Basic STC?

What is the classification criteria for Basic STCs?

Where can I find the application form for this process?

With whom in EASA can I speak about this process?

What is the fee charged?

What document do I receive?