Certification of products and organisations

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Applications for organisations

Maintenance Organisations (MOA) / Maintenance Training Organisations (MTOA)

Where can I find the application forms for Maintenance Organisations (MOA)?

Can you give me the name of Part 145 (MOA) organisations in [EASA member state]?

Where can I find more information about EASA Part-145 located in Canada?

Where can I find more information about EASA Part-145 located in the USA

We have a Part 145 approval from a national authorities that has no Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreement with EASA. Now we are looking for an EASA 145 approval. What is to be done with regard to procedures, requirements and fee structure?

Is it mandatory to hold a maintenance organization approval from a local NAA prior to applying EASA for an EASA Part-145 approval or is it possible to apply EASA directly without any approval from local CAA?

We are an FAA Repair station and would like to apply for an initial application to EASA Part-145?

We are an FAA Repair station and would like to apply for renewal of our EASA Part-145 approval?

We are an Approved Maintenance Organisation (AMO) in Canada and would like to apply for an initial application to EASA Part-145?

We are an ANAC RBAC 145 Maintenance Organizations located in Brazil and would like to apply for an initial application to EASA Part-145

Do you have a list of Non-EU Part-147 (MTOA) organisations?

Can you give me the name of Part 147 (MTOA) organisations in [EASA member state]?

How can I apply for an EASA Part-147 approval?

How can I apply for a Part-66 licence?

We are a UK company holding a Maintenance Organisation approval issued by the UK-CAA. In preparation for the UK leaving the EU and consequently the EASA system, can we already apply for an EASA approval to be valid as of the date when the UK will leave the EU?

We are a UK company holding a Maintenance Training Organisation approval issued by the UK-CAA. In preparation for the UK leaving the EU and consequently the EASA system, can we already apply for an EASA approval to be valid as of the date when the UK will leave the EU?

We are a UK company holding a Continuing Airworthiness Maintenance Organisation approval issued by the UK-CAA. In preparation for the UK leaving the EU and consequently the EASA system, can we already apply for an EASA approval to be valid as of the date when the UK will leave the EU?

Where can I find the application forms for Maintenance Organisations (MOA)?

How much does my application/certificate cost for a Foreign EASA Part-145 approval?

How much does my application/certificate cost for a Foreign EASA Part-145 approval with applicable bilateral agreement (USA, CANADA and BRAZIL)?

How much does my application/certificate cost for a Foreign EASA Part-147 approval?

How much does my application/certificate cost for a Part-M subpart G Foreign CAMO Organisation?

Pilot Training Organisations and Aero-Medical centres organisations approvals (Part-ORA-ATO)

Where can I find more information about Pilot Training Organisations and Aero-Medical Centres Organisations Approvals (Part-ORA ATO)?

We are a UK company holding a Approved Training Organisation (ATO) approval issued by the UK-CAA. In preparation for the UK leaving the EU and consequently the EASA system, can we already apply for an EASA approval to be valid as of the date when the UK will leave the EU?

We are a UK company holding an Aero-Medical Centres (AeMC)approval issued by the UK-CAA. In preparation for the UK leaving the EU and consequently the EASA system, can we already apply for an EASA approval to be valid as of the date when the UK will leave the EU?

Design Organisation approvals (DOA) / Alternative procedure to design organisation approvals (APDOA)

Where can I find more information about Design Organisation Approvals (DOA) / Alternative Procedure to Design Organisation Approvals (APDOA)?

Flight Simulation Training Devices (FSTDs)

We are a UK company holding an Flight Simulation Training Device (FSTD) approval issued by the UK-CAA. In preparation for the UK leaving the EU and consequently the EASA system, can we already apply for an EASA approval to be valid as of the date when the UK will leave the EU?

Production Organisations (POA)

Where can I find more information about Production Organisations (POA)?

What else do I need to know on the Surveillance Fee for holders of EASA Production Organisation Approvals?

Authorisation for Third Country Operators (TCO)

Where can I find more information about Authorisation for Third Country Operators (TCO)?

Applications Gateway

What is the Applications Gateway process?

Applications for product certification/validation of foreign certificates

Application process

I am applying from a non-EASA Member State, what requirements are there?

I am a US applicant, what are the benefits of the recent TIP revision 6?

How much does my application/certificate cost?

What is the certification process for a Type Certificate?

How do I apply for a certificate/approval?

I have submitted my application, what happens next?

I would like to revise my application submitted through the EASA Portal. What do I have to do?

I am a BASA applicant (US/CAN/BRAZIL), how do I use the EASA Portal?

Can a US applicant use the EASA Portal?

Can a Canadian applicant use the EASA Portal?

What is the certification process for a new model of an existing product type?

Supplemental Type Certificates (STC)

Where can I find a list of Supplemental Type Certificates (STC) approved by EASA?

Why can't I find an STC on the EASA STC List?

What are grandfathered approvals?

How do I know whether an FAA / TCCA STC has been validated by EASA?

How can I know if an STC is still valid? How can I know if an STC has been revoked, suspended or surrendered?

I am an EU aircraft owner/operator and would like to apply for validation of an FAA STC installed on my aircraft?

What is the procedure for validations of FAA STCs classified as basic?

Am I eligible to apply for an STC?

Who do I contact to request a copy of a grandfathered STC?

I would like to submit an application for validation of an FAA or TCCA STC as an agent and I am not the STC holder.

Can a DOA with low STC activity decide not to implement LOI processes and continue to operate as before?

If there is an automatic validation of (E)TSO/STC, will there still be an EASA reference and FAA reference for the same modification?

Is there a Part 21 Light (DOA\POA) for STC holders for production of low volume STC and limited failure effects (non HAZ/CAT) planned (not only for GA)?

Regarding the abandoned and surrendered STCs, will EASA follow the same guidelines as FAA 8110-120, especially regarding the requirements for Freedom Of Information Act FOIA?

On EASA STC certificates, the following statement “or later revisions of the above listed documents approved by EASA.” is below the list of “Associated Technical Documentation”. Are documents approved afterwards using a DOA privilege (e.g. minor change approval) covered by that statement?

How do I know whether an STC has been grandfathered?

Stand-Alone Revision of Flight Manual (FM)

How do I apply for a Stand-Alone Revision of Flight Manual (FM)?

Application of Alternative Method of Compliance (AMOC) to Airworthiness Directive (AD)

When do I need to apply for an AMOC approval - and what do I need to do?

Certification Support for Validation (CSV)

The validating authority is asking for a re-classification to Category “Medium”/”Large”. What do I need to do?

Which types of approvals can be validated in Third Countries?

What are the new CSV Product Categories?

How can I find out if I need to apply for the “Small” or for the “Medium/Large Service Package”?

I would like to apply for Certification Support for Validation in Third Countries – what do I need to do?

MTOW Rotorcraft

How is the fees and charges category determined for post-TC applications?

Why is my small rotorcraft charged as medium rotorcraft under F&C?

Approval process

What is the status of my project?

My project is re-classified, what implications are there?

I would like to cancel, interrupt or re-activate my project; what do I need to do?

What else do I need to know on the Annual Fee for holders of EASA Type Certificates / Restricted Type Certificates?

What else do I need to know on the Annual Fee for holders of EASA European Technical Standard Order Authorisations?

Why am I no longer receiving an AMF approval but a Major or Minor Change approval or an STC instead?

Applications Gateway

What is the Applications Gateway process?