FAQ n.19368

How do I apply for an STC approval?


Application for STCs are made using the specific form available in the Application forms page.

Applications can be of two types:

  1. An application from an EU organization for the EASA approval of a new STC. 

    This requires that the applicant has obtained a Design Organisation Approval (DOA) or Alternative Procedures (AP to DOA). For ELA 1 aircraft or for an engine or propeller installed in ELA1 aircraft an applicant may submit a certification programme for the Agency’s acceptance, in accordance with Regulation (EU) 748/2012 Point 21.A.14(c).

  2. An application from a non-EU organization for the EASA validation of a non-EU STC. 

    The application must be made in accordance with a Working Arrangement or Bilateral Agreement. 

    For example, in the case of STCs issued by the FAA, in accordance with the Technical Implementation Procedure (TIP) between the FAA and EASA, the FAA STC holder must make the application via the FAA Aircraft Certification Office (ACO) that issued the original approval. The ACO must provide a covering letter endorsing and classifying the application (Basic or non-Basic) and forward it to EASA. Applications where EASA agrees with the classification as 'Basic' are normally dealt with quickly. 
Last updated

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