Can you explain the process to obtain a design organisation approval (DOA)?

Can you explain the process to obtain a design organisation approval (DOA)?


After the application has been submitted by the company, the Agency will start its so-called Initial Investigation process. A DOA Team Leader (DOATL) will be appointed to lead the investigation, and will invite you for a Kick-off meeting, preferably at the Agency. During this meeting the investigation process will be explained in detail, taking into account specific characteristics of the organisation applying for DOA. For this purpose, the applicant should prepare a presentation of the company in general, as well some specific information of the design organisation (e.g. organisation setup, type of design projects). It is not expected that a DOA handbook is already prepared prior to the Kick-off meeting.

The DOATL will form a DOA Team (DOAT) so that all relevant fields of expertise are available to conduct the investigation. The investigation process will be processed step-by-step. Initial reviews will stay high-level, and are aimed to make sure all essential elements are covered. These will be followed by detailed reviews for each core process of the design organisation. When the process descriptions are satisfactory and documented, the DOATL will plan one audit (or more, depending on the complexity of the case) at the company facility (and, if relevant, supplier(s) facilities as well) to verify the implementation of the design organisation handbook. Along this process, the DOAT will also perform interviews with management staff and CVE’s.

All along the initial investigation process, the company will have to:

  • Create and keep up-to-date a DOA development and deployment plan
  • Draft and update the design organisation handbook and associated procedures
  • Train the design organisation staff
  • Prepare sample certification projects
  • Execute the Independent System Monitoring function (e.g. perform internal audits, etc.)

When it is demonstrated that the design organisation complies to all relevant requirements, the investigation process will be completed and the DOA certificate can be issued.

If you are considering to apply for DOA, but you would like to discuss your case prior to making the application, please do not hesitate to contact the DO Department at: doa [at]

Last updated

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