Aviation training on innovative domains

The Agency published a Call for Expression of Interest for the Establishment of a list of Pre-selected list of candidates for “Provision of Aviation training on innovative domains for EASA staff members” in the Official Journal. All interested parties are kindly invited to submit their online application. 

Aim of the call

The aim of this call for expression of interest (CEI) is to establish a list of pre-selected candidates able to share and transfer innovative, highly specialised technical expertise and knowledge in topics of current and future relevance for EASA’s mission and activities.

This CEI is expected to enable EASA a wide and dynamic access to innovative and specific learning/development actions to upskill and reskill EASA experts evolving needs through the candidates’ portfolio of expertise and capabilities.

This call is split into lists and sub-lists clustered by technical domains, topics, or products, in which EASA may request learning activities.

Call for Expression of Interest (CEI) procedure

The CEI is open to any natural or legal person established in any of the European Union Member States, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Switzerland as also to economic operators from Albania, the Republic of North Macedonia (FYROM), Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Kosovo under the Stabilisation and Association Agreements (SAA).

Interested parties, meeting the requirements set in section 3 of the Specifications, are invited to submit an application to be included in one or more of the following lists & sub-lists:

1: New and Emerging Technology in Aviation;
2: Innovative aspects related to product certification process & other relevant aviation topics (i.e. Medical, Aerodromes);
3: Aircraft general Familiarisation courses & related technologies update and new unmanned pilot aircraft systems

How the CEI will be implemented:

  • Phase I - selection of candidates (aimed at assessing exclusion and selection criteria). All candidates fulfilling the selection and exclusion criteria will be put on the list(s) of pre-selected candidates. 
  • Phase II (tendering phase) – Where a specific contract related to one of the sub-lists defined under this CEI is to be concluded, EASA will invite successful candidates on the relevant sub-lists to submit a tender.
    In response to the the tender specifications related to the contract in question. The contract will be awarded to the candidate offering the best value for money. 

The Agency reserves the right to use the list when and to the extent needed. Please note that inclusion in the sub-list entails no obligation on the part of the Agency to conclude a contract.

Validity of the Call and Database

The call and corresponding sub-lists are concluded for a period of 12 months, renewed automatically up to three times for a maximum period of validity of four years, until 07/04/2026, unless notification to the contrary is received / published. Interested parties may submit an application at any time prior to the last three months of validity of the list.


Please consult the Specifications and all Annexes for detailed information on the scope of the call, overview of the procedure, criteria, application process and conditions for contract award. All the files are accessible from the download box at the bottom of the page.

Application Process

Applications must be submitted using the on-line application form available below. Prior to the start of application, you are advised to read carefully and prepare the documents listed in section 2.2 in the Call Specifications:

Submit your application


Any queries should be addressed to contracts@easa.europa.eu.