24/07/2017 |
Regular update of CS-25
NPA 2017-12
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21/07/2017 |
Integrated Modular Avionics - Phase 2
NPA 2017-11
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28/06/2017 |
Software assurance level requirements for safety assessment of changes to air traffic management/air navigation services functional systems
NPA 2017-10
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22/06/2017 |
Update of AMC-20 — In-flight entertainment, lead-free soldering, harmonisation of safety assurance and software development criteria
NPA 2017-09
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22/06/2017 |
Regular update of CS-ETSO
NPA 2017-08
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31/05/2017 |
Rotorcraft gearbox loss of lubrication
NPA 2017-07
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11/05/2017 |
Loss of control or loss of flight path during go-around or other flight phases
NPA 2017-06
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04/05/2017 |
Introduction of a regulatory framework for the operation of drones — Unmanned aircraft system operations in the open and specific category
NPA 2017-05
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11/04/2017 |
Regular update of aerodrome rules (CS-ADR-DSN - Issue 4)
NPA 2017-04
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03/04/2017 |
In-flight recording for light aircraft
NPA 2017-03
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28/03/2017 |
Regular update of AMC-20: update of EASA AMC 20-115C and FAA AC 20-115C
NPA 2017-02
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17/01/2017 |
Implementation of the CAEP/10 amendments on climate change, emissions and noise
NPA 2017-01
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22/12/2016 |
Appendix I - Aircraft type ratings for Part-66 aircraft maintenance licence
NPA 2016-20
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19/12/2016 |
Alignment of implementing rules and acceptable means of compliance/guidance material with Regulation (EU) No 376/2014 - Occurrence reporting
NPA 2016-19
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15/12/2016 |
Prediction of wind shear for aeroplanes performing commercial air transport operations
NPA 2016-18
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07/12/2016 |
Regular update of certification specifications for standard changes & standard repairs (CS-STAN)
NPA 2016-17
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30/11/2016 |
Regular update of Part-FCL - Regular update of Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 regarding pilot training and licensing and the related oversight
NPA 2016-16
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23/11/2016 |
Instructions for continued airworthiness: certification maintenance requirements
NPA 2016-15
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09/11/2016 |
Easier access for general aviation pilots to instrument flight rules flying
NPA 2016-14
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25/10/2016 |
Technical requirements and operating procedures for airspace design, including flight procedure design
NPA 2016-13
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04/10/2016 |
Transposition of provisions on electronic flight bags from ICAO Annex 6
NPA 2016-12
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30/09/2016 |
Review of aeroplane performance requirements for commercial air transport operations
NPA 2016-11
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26/09/2016 |
Maintaining aerodromes rules - AMC/GM for Aerodromes - Amendment 2
NPA 2016-10
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14/09/2016 |
Requirements for air traffic services
NPA 2016-09(B)
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14/09/2016 |
Requirements for air traffic services
NPA 2016-09(A)
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07/09/2016 |
Import of aircraft from other regulatory system, and Part-21 Subpart H review
NPA 2016-08
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27/07/2016 |
Regular update of CS-25
NPA 2016-07
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15/07/2016 |
Fuel planning and management: Aeroplanes/helicopters - Part-NCC, Part-NCO & Part-SPO
NPA 2016-06 (C)
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15/07/2016 |
Fuel planning and management: Helicopters - Annex I (Definitions), Part-CAT, Part-SPA, Part-NCC, Part-NCO & Part-SPO
NPA 2016-06 (B)
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15/07/2016 |
Fuel planning and management: Aeroplanes - Annex I (Definitions), Part-ARO, Part-CAT
NPA 2016-06 (A)
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23/06/2016 |
Reorganisation of CS-23
NPA 2016-05
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14/06/2016 |
Maintaining aerodrome rules - CS ADR-DSN Issue 3
NPA 2016-04
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09/06/2016 |
Technical review of the theoretical knowledge syllabi, learning objectives, and examination procedures for air transport pilot licence, multi-crew pilot licence, commercial pilot licence, and instrument ratings
NPA 2016-03(F)
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09/06/2016 |
Technical review of the theoretical knowledge syllabi, learning objectives, and examination procedures for air transport pilot licence, multi-crew pilot licence, commercial pilot licence, and instrument ratings
NPA 2016-03(E)
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09/06/2016 |
Technical review of the theoretical knowledge syllabi, learning objectives, and examination procedures for air transport pilot licence, multi-crew pilot licence, commercial pilot licence, and instrument ratings
NPA 2016-03(D)
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09/06/2016 |
Technical review of the theoretical knowledge syllabi, learning objectives, and examination procedures for air transport pilot licence, multi-crew pilot licence, commercial pilot licence, and instrument ratings
NPA 2016-03(C)
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09/06/2016 |
Technical review of the theoretical knowledge syllabi, learning objectives, and examination procedures for air transport pilot licence, multi-crew pilot licence, commercial pilot licence, and instrument ratings
NPA 2016-03(B)
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09/06/2016 |
Technical review of the theoretical knowledge syllabi, learning objectives, and examination procedures for air transport pilot licence, multi-crew pilot licence, commercial pilot licence, and instrument ratings
NPA 2016-03(A)
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28/04/2016 |
Technical requirements and operational procedures for aeronautical information services and aeronautical information management
NPA 2016-02
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23/03/2016 |
Helicopter ditching and water impact occupant survivability
NPA 2016-01
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21/12/2015 |
Open rotor engine and installation
NPA 2015-22
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18/12/2015 |
TAWS operation in IFR and VFR, and TAWS for turbine-powered aeroplanes under 5 700 kg MCTOM able to carry six to nine passengers
NPA 2015-21
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18/12/2015 |
Review of the Aircrew Regulation in order to provide a system for private pilot training outside approved training organisations, and of the associated acceptable means of compliance and guidance material
NPA 2015-20
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17/12/2015 |
Executive interior accommodation
NPA 2015-19
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27/11/2015 |
Update of the rules on air operations (Air OPS Regulation - all Annexes & related AMC/GM)
NPA 2015-18
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05/11/2015 |
Airworthiness review process
NPA 2015-17
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29/10/2015 |
Maintenance of the acceptable means of compliance and guidance material on the safety (key) performance indicator ‘Use of risk analysis tool’ for the air traffic management performance scheme
NPA 2015-16
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01/10/2015 |
Additional airworthiness specifications for operations: Thermal/acoustic insulation material
NPA 2015-15
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15/09/2015 |
Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/XXX laying down the common rules of the air and operational provisions regarding services and procedures in air navigation (SERA Part C)
NPA 2015-14
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01/09/2015 |
Loss of control prevention and recovery training
NPA 2015-13
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20/08/2015 |
Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM) to Part-21 for changes to Operational Suitability Data (OSD)
NPA 2015-12
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13/08/2015 |
Regular update of CS-25
NPA 2015-11
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31/07/2015 |
Introduction of a regulatory framework for the operation of drones
A-NPA 2015-10
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09/07/2015 |
Rescue and Firefighting Services (RFFS) at aerodromes
NPA 2015-09
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09/07/2015 |
Light Part-M
NPA 2015-08
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12/06/2015 |
Use of comparative analysis when showing compliance with SLD icing specifications
NPA 2015-07
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03/06/2015 |
Draft FAA AC 21.101-1B: Establishing the Certification Basis of Changed Aeronautical Products
Notice of Availability for comments
view |
30/03/2015 |
Non-commercial operations of aircraft listed in the Operations Specifications (OpSpecs) by an AOC holder
NPA 2015-05
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27/03/2015 |
Reorganisation of Part 23 and CS-23
A-NPA 2015-06
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23/03/2015 |
Technical and operational requirements for remote tower operations
NPA 2015-04
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02/03/2015 |
Embodiment of Level of Involvement (LOI) requirements into Part-21
NPA 2015-03
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27/02/2015 |
Systematic review and transposition of existing FAA TSO standards for parts and appliances into EASA ETSOs
NPA 2015-02
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19/01/2015 |
Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) implementation in the European Air Traffic Management Network (EATMN)
NPA 2015-01
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17/12/2014 |
Amendments to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 (the Aircrew Regulation) — Flight Examiner Manual: Learning Objectives (LOs) (second part)
NPA 2014-29 (D)(2)
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17/12/2014 |
Amendments to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 (the Aircrew Regulation) — Flight Examiner Manual: Learning Objectives (LOs) (first part)
NPA 2014-29 (D)(1)
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17/12/2014 |
Amendments to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/20111 (the Aircrew Regulation) — Flight Examiner Manual: Module 8, Chapter 1 & Module 9, Chapter 1
NPA 2014-29 (C)(3)
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17/12/2014 |
Amendments to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 (the Aircrew Regulation) — Flight Examiner Manual: Module 3 — Test standards: Helicopters
NPA 2014-29 (C)(2)
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17/12/2014 |
Amendments to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 (the Aircrew Regulation) — Flight Examiner Manual: Module 1 & Module 2 (Chapters 3, 4, 5 & 6)
NPA 2014-29 (C)(1)
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17/12/2014 |
Amendments to the Acceptable Means of Compliance & Guidance Material to Annex I (Part-FCL) to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
NPA 2014-29 (B)
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17/12/2014 |
Amendments to Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 (the Aircrew Regulation), as amended — Cover Regulation, Annex I, Annex II, Annex III and AMC & GM to Annex I (Part-FCL)
NPA 2014-29 (A)
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08/12/2014 |
AMC/GM for non-complex approved training organisations (ATOs)
NPA 2014-28
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02/12/2014 |
Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisations’ (CAMOs) and Part-145 organisations’ responsibilities
NPA 2014-27
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18/11/2014 |
Halon: Update of Part-26 to comply with ICAO Standards
NPA 2014-26
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04/11/2014 |
Requirements for relief pilots
NPA 2014-25
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06/10/2014 |
Certification Specifications for Standard Changes & Standard Repairs (CS-STAN) - Phase 1
NPA 2014-24
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10/09/2014 |
Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA ETSO-2C153)
NPA 2014-23
view |
09/09/2014 |
New training methods and new teaching technologies
NPA 2014-22
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03/09/2014 |
Update of CS ADR-DSN.D.260 Taxiway minimum separation distance
NPA 2014-21
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08/08/2014 |
Technical requirements and operational procedures for the provision of data for airspace users for the purpose of air navigation
NPA 2014-20
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25/07/2014 |
Helicopter Height-Velocity (H-V) limitations
NPA 2014-19
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17/07/2014 |
Commercial air transport aeroplane operations at night or in IMC using single-engined turbine aeroplane
NPA 2014-18
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26/06/2014 |
Crew Resource Management (CRM) training
NPA 2014-17
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25/06/2014 |
High-intensity radiated fields (HIRF) and lightning
NPA 2014-16
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24/06/2014 |
Implementation of CAEP/9 amendments - Update of CS-34 and CS-36
NPA 2014-15
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24/06/2014 |
Portable electronic devices II
NPA 2014-14
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24/06/2014 |
Assessment of changes to functional systems by service providers in ATM/ANS and the oversight of these changes by competent authorities
NPA 2014-13
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23/05/2014 |
European Commission policy initiative on aviation safety and a possible revision of Regulation (EC) No 216/2008
A-NPA 2014-12
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13/05/2014 |
Functions and responsibilities of B1 and B2 support staff - link with sign-off
NPA 2014-11
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15/04/2014 |
Appendix I - Aircraft type ratings for Part-66 aircraft maintenance licence
NPA 2014-10
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03/04/2014 |
Transposition of Amendment 43 to Annex 2 to the Chicago Convention on remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS) into common rules of the air
NPA 2014-09
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31/03/2014 |
Safety Key Performance Indicators (SKPIs) (ATM Performance IR)
NPA 2014-08
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28/03/2014 |
Technical requirements and operational procedures for the provision of meteorological services
NPA 2014-07
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27/03/2014 |
Regular update of CS-25
NPA 2014-06
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18/02/2014 |
Amendment to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 923/2012 laying down the common rules of the air and operational provisions regarding services and procedures in air navigation (SERA Part C)
NPA 2014-05
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07/02/2014 |
Technical records
NPA 2014-04
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05/02/2014 |
Engine vibration surveys
NPA 2014-03
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27/01/2014 |
Specific risk and standardised criteria for conducting aeroplane-level safety assessments of critical systems
NPA 2014-02
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08/01/2014 |
Carriage of Special Categories of Passengers (SCPs)
NPA 2014-01
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20/12/2013 |
Amendment of requirements for flight recorders and underwater locating devices
NPA 2013-26
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20/12/2013 |
Revision of operational approval criteria for performance-based navigation (PBN)
NPA 2013-25
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