Advisory Bodies (ABs)

MAB & TEBs Collaborative Platform     
SAB Collaborative Platform   
Advisory Bodies Legacy SharePoint site 

The EASA Member States and the Industry are key stakeholders for the Agency. They are directly affected by a large part of the Agency decisions and are valuable partners for achieving the Agency objectives. The Members States and the Industry are represented in the EASA advisory bodies, an engaging forum for consultation of interested parties and national authorities on Agency priorities, both at strategic and technical level. The bodies advise the Agency on EU wide safety priorities, on strategic and horizontal issues affecting the aviation sector, on rulemaking drafting, and on the content and priorities of the European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS).

Member States’ Advisory Body (MAB) and Technical Bodies (TeBs)

The MAB and the TeBs offer a forum to discuss and exchange on strategic and horizontal issues at an early stage of the Agency programming cycle. They are contributing to support the implementation of actions and decisions and the drafting of regulatory material, while offering also the opportunity to share feedback on implementation and standardisation issues.   
The MAB and the TeBs are composed of representatives of the EASA Members States and the European Commission. Selected third countries with working arrangements, or specific agreements with the Agency to adopt and apply the Basic Regulation and its implementing rules, are invited as observers, as well as specific organisations, such as the European Defence Agency (EDA) and EUROCONTROL. TeBs in the following domains have been established:

  • Aerodromes (ADR TeB);
  • Air Traffic Management/Air Navigation Services (ATM ANS TeB);
  • Air Crew TeB;
  • Air Operations (Air OPS TeB);
  • Production and Continuing Airworthiness (P & CA TeB);
  • General Aviation (GA TeB);
  • Safety Management (SM TeB)
  • ‘Open’ and ‘Specific’ category of UAS (UAS TeB)

Details on the legal basis, the structure, the membership and the working methods of the MAB and TeBs are provided in the related Management Board decisions and the MAB Rules of Procedure. See the section 'Related Content' for all relevant reference documents. 

Stakeholder Advisory Body (SAB)

Established under the Basic Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 and relevant EASA Management Board decisions, the Stakeholder Advisory Body (SAB), its Communities (COMMs), and agile Activity Groups (AGs) offer a consultation framework between the Agency and the Industry on both strategic priorities, regulatory aspects as well as a tool for Industry to provide feedback on implementation of regulations and related policies.

The SAB, COMMs, and related AGs are composed of representatives nominated by the associations in the sectors of commercial operators, aviation personnel, manufacturers, general and non-commercial operators, Air Traffic Management/Air Navigation Services (ATM/ANS), airports, training industry, air sports, maintenance industry, and aerospace medicine. The non-EU industry is also represented. EASA experts and Member States representatives are involved as needed.

The following communities have been established:

  • Aerodromes Community (ADR.COMM),
  • ATM/ANS Community (ATM/ANS.COMM),
  • Commercial Aviation (large transport airplanes and business jets) Community (CA.COMM),
  • Drones and UAM Community (D.COMM),
  • General Aviation Community (GA.COMM),
  • Rotorcraft Community (R.COMM). 

If you are interested in joining one of the SAB communities, please contact us.

More details on the legal basis, structure, membership, and working methods of the SAB, COMMs, and AGs are provided in the related Management Board decisions and the SAB Rules of Procedure.    
For all relevant reference documents, please see 'Related Content'.

SAB Plenary Chair:   
-  Mr François Duclos, ASD

SAB Plenary Vice-Chairs:   
- Mr Ansgar Sickert, ACI
- Mr Johan Glantz, EBAA

Executive Secretary of the SAB Plenary:   
- Mr Stuart Anderson, ASD