FAQ n.127763

Are the repairs / alterations / changes, that are validated under the FAA PART 26 rule, automatically acceptable under the new EASA AASR rule?


The damage tolerance (DT) data that has been approved by the FAA can be used to demonstrate compliance with Part-26 where the requirements are equivalent. The means to accept that data and approve it or recognize it as approved data for use by EU operators is subject to specific considerations, therefore it should be discussed with EASA as part of the compliance plan that STC holders have to submit to EASA in accordance with point 26.331 of Part-26. Note that according to point 26.333, DT data already approved by EASA for STCs issued on or after 1st September 2003 does not need to be submitted for approval if it is confirmed to be complete by the STCH in the compliance plan.

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