Can we help you?

EASA Headquarters 

Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 3 
D-50668 Cologne, Germany 
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Tel: +49 221 8999 000  
Contact us

Opening Hours 
Reception: 07:00 to 18:00 (Mo-Fr)

Access to EASA building 
Before your visit you will receive a QR-code. 
The how to access the building video will explain how to use the QR-code, check in at reception and more.

Mail & other shipments 
Letters & mail items with weight under 1000 grams 
Postfach 10 12 53 
D-50452 Cologne, Germany

Mail items with weight above 1000 grams, parcels / packages / shipments by couriers 
Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 3 
D-50668 Cologne, Germany

Brussels office

Avenue de Cortenbergh 100 
1040 Brussels, Belgium 
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International offices

Beijing office

Delegation of the European Union 
15 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Sanlitun, Chaoyang District, 
100600 Beijing, People's Republic of China 
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Tel: + 86-10-84548000

Montréal office

700 Rue de la Gauchetière West, Suite 2470 
Montréal - H3B5M2, Canada 
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Tel: +1 514 393 3220

Washington office

2175 K Street, NW, Suite 808 
Washington DC 20037-1831, United States of America 
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Tel: +1 202 650 8118

Singapore office

Delegation of the European Union to Singapore 
250 North Bridge Road, #38-03, Raffles City Tower 
Singapore 179101, Republic of Singapore 
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Tel: +65 6576 0126

Panama office

Delegation of the European Union in Panama 
51 St with Ave. Federico Boyd, PH Hi Point, mezzanine/27th floor, Bella Vista, 
Ciudad de Panamá, República de Panamá 
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Tel: +507 61906521