The Air OPS Regulation (Regulation (EU) No 965/2012) provides the opportunity for certain activities with single-engine aircraft. The regulation establishes the legal framework applicable to these operations, complemented by AMC and GM adopted by the Agency. These operations enable the use of modern aeroplanes with a smaller carbon footprint. It also allows the development of new business based on the opening of new routes which can be operated safely and efficiently only by single-engined turbine aeroplanes. The requirements in the Air OPS Regulation meet and exceed the relevant ICAO standards, and establish a coherent framework, fully and proportionally considering the specificities of those operations.
These EASA Guidelines for Commercial Operations with Single-Engined Turbine Aeroplanes in Instrument Metrological Conditions or at night (CAT SET-IMC) is intended to help organisations implement these rules. These guidelines cover the following areas:
- Validation of the operational capability of the operator,
- Training items from operator reports,
- Forced landing procedure design criteria.