Summer Safety Launch Webinar - Top Safety Issues
29/04/2025, 12:15 - 13:45 CET (UTC +2)
About this event
The busy summer season is approaching and for the whole month of May EASA will be hosting a summer safety campaign. The theme will be Aviate, Navigate, Communicate - Master the Basics, Manage the Risks, Make the Right Choices. This Webinar is the opening session of the summer campaign where EASA experts will outline some of the top safety challenges anticipated over the summer period.
This event is aimed at the Commercial Air Transport Large Aeroplane Community and will cover Air Ops, Aerodromes/ Ground Handling, Cabin, Maintenance and ATM/ANS.
Priority for Webex registration until one week before the event will be given to authorities and operational organisations in the EASA Member States (places on Webex are limited to 1,000). This event will additionally be live-streamed on the EASA YouTube channel
There will be additional events throughout May. Follow EASA on LinkedIn and join the Conversation Aviation LinkedIn Group to keep in touch with all the events, activities and discussion.
Submit questions before event
Go to Sli.do and enter the following event code: #FlySummer25
Visit the WebEx registration link
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Queries before the event can be addressed to safetypromotion [at] easa.europa.eu (safetypromotion[at]easa[dot]europa[dot]eu)