FAQ n.45114

Why do the EASA type rating and licence endorsement lists not contain references to the latest applicable version of an OSD FC document?


The EASA type rating and licence endorsement lists indicate whether an OSD FC document for a relevant aircraft exists. OSD FC documents are certification documents which are held and maintained by TC/STC Holder and are subject to Annex I to Commission Regulation No 748/2012 (Part-21) provisions. Consequently, changes to OSD are handled in accordance with Part-21 procedures in the same way that e.g. changes to aeroplane flight manual (AFM’s) are dealt with. This includes the principle of delegation of privileges to DOAs based on which minor changes to OSD FC are approved under DOA privileges.

The responsibility of tracking the OSD FC document version resides therefore with the TC/STC holder and referencing that in the TR and licence endorsement list could potentially generate inconsistencies.

Users should consider establishing a process to ensure the regular receipt of OSD FC updates, similarly to what might exist for holding current AFM and quick reference handbook (QRH) documents.

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