Is the video wall included in the attestation process, and if so, under what level of attestation?
To determine the appropriate attestation category (i.e., certification, declaration, statement of compliance), one needs to define the intended function of the equipment and the tasks that are expected to be performed with it. For example:
- If the intended function is to provide a means for controllers to inform aircraft about environmental conditions on the runway surface or general information on traffic (e.g. FIS), then one can reasonably conclude that the appropriate attestation is Article 6 (1) Statement of Compliance.
- If the intended function is to provide a means for controllers to visually observe the manouvering area in order to enable separation and prevent collisions, then the appropriate attestation is Article 4 Certification.
In cases where equipment fulfils more than one intended function/task, the DPO should select the attestation level that corresponds to the most critical function/task. For example, if the equipment provides both intended functions/tasks described above, then Article 4 Certification would be the most appropriate attestation.
Performance specifications and minimum requirements (i.e., MOPS and MASPS) for many aspects of Remote Tower installations (e.g., image quality, integrity, latency) are not yet available and/or harmonized in industry standards or the EASA detailed specifications. In the absence of such materials, the DPO should use engineering judgement to identify/define and justify performance objectives and technical specifications. These should be proposed to EASA or the National Competent Authority for review and acceptance.