FAQ n.140180

What area should be considered when assessing difficult environments?


The assessment of potential difficult environments at or near an aerodrome should consider the immediate surroundings of an aerodrome and the established standard flight procedures.

In accordance with point (b) of ADR.OPS.B.005, the assessment of the area at an aerodrome should consider the width of the runway strip and then follow the actual approach obstacle limitation surface up to a distance of 1 000 m beyond the runway’s threshold (or, if there is no threshold, the runway end).

Approach obstacle limitation surface

In accordance with point (e) of AMC2 ADR.OPS.B.005(b), the assessment near an aerodrome should consider significant portions underneath the standard approach and departure routes within a 8-km radius from the aerodrome reference point.

Madeira LPMA

To determine the size of the area, please refer to the following:

  • Table 1 of CS ADR-DSN.A.005 for the aerodrome reference code;
  • CS ADR-DSN.A.002 for the runway;
  • CS ADR-DSN.A.002 and CS ADR-DSN.B.160 for the runway strip; and
  • CS ADR-DSN.A.002 and CS ADR-DSN.H.405 for the obstacle limitation surfaces. 
Last updated

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