Online information session on new draft CS-FSTD
Online event
17/06/2024, 10:00 - 11:30 CET (UTC +2)
The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) is organising an online information session regarding the new draft Certifications Specifications for Flight Simulation Training Devices (CS-FSTD), which will take place on 17 June 2024 at 10:00-11:30 CET.
The draft CS-FSTD is substantially revised to incorporate flight simulation training devices (FSTD) certification specifications for both aeroplanes and helicopters, and to introduce the framework for the FSTD Capability Signature (FCS) concept.
It has been developed under Rulemaking Task RMT.0196, based on Notice of Proposed Amendment NPA 2020-15, and the comments received thereon.
The event aims to raise Advisory Bodies' awareness about the proposed draft certification specifications in the new CS-FSTD (Initial Issue), and to prepare and facilitate the upcoming focused consultation on the draft document. The session will provide information on the key new aspects, proposed in the draft CS-FSTD, and will help stakeholders to understand and navigate through the proposed amendments.
If you are interested to participate, you are encouraged to visit the WebEx registration link by 12 June.
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fcl [at] easa.europa.eu