General Aviation - Season Opener 2022
As the days get longer and the weather improves we look hopefully to the start of the General Aviation flying season. EASA has joined forces with National Authorities across Europe as well as associations and clubs to launch the "Be Ready - Fly Safely Campaign" as a community initiative to help pilots, mechanics, flying club managers and everyone else interested in GA talk about how we can prepare for the months ahead and continue positive discussions to improve safety.
There will be a range of sessions during the course of the 2 weeks covering different stakeholder groups. Join the sessions and discussions. We also encourage you to host your own local events during the campaign period, especially over the weekend 18-20 March - we will be developing translated material in various languages to support local events.
Ask questions in advance via Sli.do Code #Fly2022 using the password: xkxlna
Get notified via email alerts
Please contact the EASA Safety Promotion Team by email to find out more about hosting your own event as part of the campaign.
safety.promotion [at] easa.europa.eu