FAQ n.136917

Regarding technical assistance, in particular the dissemination of aeronautical information, can this information be provided to Russian operators when they are operating over the Atlantic Ocean?


According to Article 3d of Regulation (EU) No 833/2014, as amended, it is prohibited for any aircraft operated by Russian air carriers, including as a marketing carrier in code-sharing or blocked-space arrangements, or for any Russian-registered aircraft, or for any non-Russian-registered aircraft which is owned or chartered, or otherwise controlled by any Russian natural or legal person, entity or body, to land in, take off from or overfly the territory of the Union. The prohibition also applies to any other aircraft which is used for a non-scheduled flight and with regard to which a Russian natural or legal person, entity or body is in a position to effectively determine the place or time of its take-off or landing.

Flights over international waters are not prohibited. The prohibition does not apply in the case of emergency landing and emergency overflight. The Regulation also provides for certain exemptions from the general ban.

Since flights over international waters are not forbidden, and flights over the EU territory can be authorised in specific cases (such as emergency landing or overflight), it is not forbidden to disseminate aeronautical information to the operators of those flights.

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